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Sapnap stared over at George's date who was the real Alyssa, and I could tell he was panicking inside.

All I could think about was the fact that they knew, or else George knew, that I wasn't Alyssa.

I faked a laugh as Puffy and Sapnap looked at me confused. "Oh that's so weird I never knew her name was Alyssa too! Small world!"

Puffy's face softened as she smiled in return. "Tell me about it. You know you have a laugh similar to my daughters.."

I cleared my throat as I stood straight and became more serious. "Your daughter? You look so young to be having a daughter."

Puffy chuckled while Sapnap looked at me with furrowed brows.

"Yeah, she was in her early twenties. Such a firm yet sweet girl. Unfortunately she was killed in an assassination. I only got her back too.."

Upon hearing my mother's tone of voice change, my heart melted and my eyes softened while looking at her.

I felt awful, since it would've been harder for her to digest my "death".

"I'm so sorry I-"

"Marli we need to go." Sapnap whispered to me as he gripped my arm tightly.

I sneered as I glared at him before looking back at my mother. "I'm truly sorry for your loss, but we must be going."

"Oh of course don't let me keep you any longer, pleasure to meet you Alyssa."

I smiled sweetly before Sapnap dragged me away. Just as we were out of my mothers view I shoved him away from me.

"What the fuck-"

"If you're trying to give yourself away great job." Sapnap said roughly to me as I scoffed.

"Oh I'm sorry please forgive me for talking to my mother who I haven't seen in a while because your best friend wants to lock me up." I replied through gritted teeth.

I fucking hate him.

"He is also your brother-"

"Do not regard him as my brother. Biologically yes, in reality no." I cut Sapnap off as our faces are inches away.

We both glared at each other while people in the ballroom began to dance to classical music.

The tension was thick between us as none of us broke eye contact through the masks. The eye contact was so full of hate it could've burnt through the masks.

"You really are Dream's sister."

"If you want to be fucking burned like Rosaline then keep it up."

"You wouldn't even dare hit me."

I stared at the brunette before a smug smile crawled onto my lips. "You're right, I wont, but they will."

Sapnap's eyes slightly softened as he watched me with a confused look.

"Help! Somebody! He touched me!" I yell as everybody's head darted to us.

"Marli!" Sapnap half yelled half whispered to me.

Suddenly a couple men stepped over to us with masks covering their full face.

"He touched you miss?" One of them asked me.

I nodded and began to fake sniff as I smirked at Sapnap while backing away.

He wouldn't get majorly hurt, due to the fact Dream and the others would show up to help him, and Sapnap himself was a tough guy.

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