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It was the day of the masquerade ball and I was more angry then ever.

I had to be with Sapnap, are you kidding?

He tried to kill me and it seems like everybody forgot about that.

Puffy had sent me in a dress and a mask yet I haven't seen it yet since I left it in it's box.

I was sitting in my vanity looking in the mirror as I tried different hairstyles.

I could straighten my hair but it would look strange so maybe not.

What about if I curled my hair? Maybe not.

In the end I decided to tie up my hair into a wavy ponytail with my curtain bangs still out, framing my face nicely.

God how I was dreading this.

I began on my makeup which was just some simple dark neutral look.

I really hope my dress wasn't a bright colour or else I will have to redo my makeup.

Well I'm sure Puffy knows me well enough..hopefully.

As I put on my golden hoops which were really big for some reason and other gold jewellery.

I looked over at the golden necklace sitting on my table, the one Punz gave me.

I grabbed it as I left my room and went downstairs to where I could find the others.

It was a bit embarrassing the fact I was in low waist cargo pants and a crop top while the others were half dressed in their suits.

The ball started at 8pm and it was currently 7pm.

''Are you gonna go like that Marli?'' George asked jokingly as he fixed his cuff on his sleeve.

''Mhm what do you think?'' I say sarcastically as I spin around.

George began to laugh as he fixed his hair.

I walked over to Punz who was putting on his golden chain, classic.

''Hey can you put on the necklace you gave me afterwards?'' I ask him as he faced me.

''Sure one sec- Oh actually Sapnap can you help her.'' Punz yelled over to Sapnap.

I stared at my brother, fuck no.

''No it's okay I can-''

Suddenly the golden necklace was taken off me and wrapped around my neck.


The gold necklace was thin with a moon and a seashell interlocked with each other.

The name Marli means sea of bitterness, rebelliousness and star of the sea, which is why Punz got me that necklace.

Sapnap tugged on the necklace as it roughly hit off my throat slightly choking me.

I scowled as our bodies were pressed against each other since he pulled at my necklace.

I looked at everybody staring at us with their eyes widened as Sapnap did my necklace.

As soon as he finished he slightly shoved me off and went back to fixing his hair.

My cheeks heated up as I realised what just happened, so I quickly left to my room.

I shook my head as I entered my room, that was so..weird.

Why was I so flustered at that?

I quietly shut my door and pulled the large box out from under my bed as I put it on the floor.

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