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The day of the festival.

I was wearing a tight cornflower blue romper that hugged my curves perfectly.

There was long fingerless sleeves and a light blue scarf around my shoulders.

I wore long thigh high boots with straps connecting to my romper and a belt with a sheath for my sword.

My hair was in low space buns and my makeup kept clean, I thought I looked good.

I checked myself out in the mirror and fixed myself up before I heard a knock on the door.

''Mar! Come on we gotta go!''


I left my room to see Punz wearing a white hoodie, black jeans and his gold chain.

Classic Punz.

Yet he was also wearing full netherite armour with his axe, strange.

We entered Manburg and looked around to see people playing games, talking, arguing and drinking.

I felt a smile creep up on my face as I noticed familiar pink hair in the distance.

''Excuse me a moment.'' I said to my brother who nodded and went over to Ponk and Niki.

I walked over to the man with pink hair who was wearing a long red cloak.

He had his back turned to me and he seemed to be talking to a...fox?

''Well hello anonymous.''

Technoblade turned around and smiled upon seeing me. ''Well well well, ironic isn't it. Us fighting on different sides.''

''You're with..''

''Pogtopia, yes I am. That letter I received that day was from Wilbur requesting I come fight. Similar to your letter with Punz.''


Technoblade is a pig human hybrid and an excellent fighter, he has a very monotone voice and he's big into Greek mythology. 

''You still have my sword.'' Technoblade suddenly said to me and pointed to the sword in my sheath.

''Why wouldn't I?''

''Just surprised you kept it all this time.''

''I'm a very sentimental person if you haven't noticed.'' I said while pointing to the small jewellery on my body.

I had a few tattoos and piercings nearly all done by me.

I had a thigh tattoo which was an indigo flower, my favourite type, there was small butterflies under my left boob and a snake on my hip.

For my piercings I have both of my ears done with a helix and both lobes, then a nose piercing of a stud.

Any piercings given to me by a loved or trusted one, I wore nearly daily.

Punz gifted me most of the piercings and surprisingly he had good taste.

I stood next to a group of people and watched Technoblade play a game called 'Drop the Man'.

It was a game to see who could hold their breath the longest, so far Ponk and Niki lost.

Yet Techno was still going, no surprise.

Fundy who was the fox and apparently Wilbur's son was pissed off with Techno winning which made me giggle.

I stood next to Niki who was smiling as she watched Techno last so long and the others getting pissed.

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