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The cold sword dug right into my chest which made me sharply gasp from the pain.

Dream's smile quickly turned to a frown upon realising it was me he stabbed in the chest.

"Marli!?" I heard Tubbo and Tommy shout.

I began to slowly cough as blood came up my throat from being stabbed.

Shit did this hurt.

Dream quickly pulled the sword out and his hands began to shake from my blood being all over it.

Sapnap ran over to me and knelt down as he caught me from falling. "You fucking stupid bitch Marli."

His eyes were glossy and full of tears as he stared at the deep wound on my chest.

Dream knelt down beside me and didn't know what to do as he was so shaken, strange.

My vision went fuzzy and I felt myself get weaker as more and more blood spilt out of my chest causing me to cough more.

"It's okay you're okay I'm here." Sapnap's voice cracked from a lump on his throat as he began to caress my face softly.

I looked up at Sapnap and choked out the words. "I-I'm sorry. I love you s-so much."

Tears began to roll down his cheeks as he nodded. "I love you so much more Marli."

"Marli I-I-" Dream begun as he tried to stop the blood from spilling as he searched his pockets for a potion.

Tommy came down beside me with tears. "Marli please don't go please."

He pleaded as he began to cry uncontrollably while he stroked my head with shaky hands.

"Y-You're a good kid Tommy. You t-two take care of each other." I tried to reassure the boy.

Tommy nodded as Tubbo pulled him into a tight hug.

Suddenly I heard a loud scream coming from the other side of the room.

My mother.

"Marli oh my god Marli!" She screamed as she ran over to me and stared at me with fear.

I watched her panic as I was unable to even move my lips from the pain.

My vision went more blurry and fuzzy as I watched her get up and begin to shout and cry at my brother who was stunned and shaken up.

I turned to look at Sapnap who was slowly caressing my face and head with a smile on him through the tears.

He was so beautiful.

He was covered in my blood and completely shattered, yet looked so beautiful.

I loved him more than words could express.

Sapnap kissed my forehead and I could hear him crying as he stared into my green eyes.

And soon, I went limp.

"Hello?" I asked in a trembling voice.

I was in a dark pitch black void all alone, or so I thought.

Was this what death was like?

"Marli, didn't expect you to come."

"Wilbur?" I asked the voice I heard as I looked around.

"Fancy seeing you here." His British voice echoed as I felt like he was circling me.

"Where are we?" I tried to look around as I followed his voice.

"Your limbo."

And suddenly it wasn't dark anymore, instead it was brighter which made me cover my eyes from the shine.

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