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Fucking hell the vault was huge. Me and Sapnap stood in front of it with my jaw on the floor.

It was a large black building with a large entrance that wasn't connected to the main place.

There was towers on each corner with glow stone emitting light down the towers.

The building was all items from the nether, the netherite framing the blackstone and iron bars.

"Well, there's the vault. Pandora's Vault."

There was no escaping if Dream put me and Tommy in there.

Suddenly I felt slight fear as the realisation hit, panic bubbled in my chest as my breathing got heavier.

"Hey, hey are you alright?" Sapnap asked softly as he put his hand on my back.

No, stop it Marli, stop showing fear.

"Yeah I just- I-It's scary to look at and think about people being locked up in there.." I slowly began as I tried to make up a story of my panic.

"Yeah I get that, it is frightening-"

"Sapnap!" A familiar voice yelled from behind us.

Shit. I recognised that voice all too well.

"Hey Dream, was just showing Alyssa the vault." Sapnap turned around and fist bumped my brother.

I slowly turned around as Dream smiled at Sapnap before looking at me.

"God Alyssa you look so different. So good to see you though!" Dream quickly hugged me and lifted me up slightly.

I gasped and faked a smile before happily responding, "You look great too, how are you keeping?"

Dream put me down and pinched my cheek lightly. "I'm doing good. Like the vault?" As he pointed at the building.

I nodded quickly and cleared my throat, "Yeah it looks amazing. But why are you trapping your sister there?"

Dream gave Sapnap a quick look before looking back at me. "Well, she betrayed me and helped Tommy escaped his exile. As much as I'd hate to do it, she needs to be locked away."

Fucking bastard.

"U-Understandable completely. I just think it's a bit.. bit petty."

Sapnap's eyes darted to me as they widened while Dream clicked his tongue as his jaw clenched.

"I'll let you meet her before you can decide if I'm petty or not." Dream said smirking as he nudged Sapnap.

I narrowed my eyes at Dream as Sapnap came over to me and guided me away from the vault.

"Sapnap will bring you on your little tour, nice seeing you again princess."

Princess. Oh please.

Sapnap introduced me to everyone and they seemed to all love Alyssa.

That was a good start then.

The urge to kill Sapnap as he was so close to me was very hard to ignore.

I avoided touching any weapons before my anger would be taken out on somebody. My anger for my brother.

Tubbo was still president and L'Manburg looks better.

Tubbo had a large burn scar on his face still and was wearing a nicer suit than before.

L'Manburg was larger and filled with small houses on the ledges, they looked cute. It was more colourful and filled with positivity.

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