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I woke up to the sound of leaves being crunched around me, where was I to hear leaves?

I slowly sat up and looked around to notice I was surrounded by the trees and my legs were hanging off a cliff.


I stretched my arms out as I stood up and moved away from the cliff.

I turned around to see Wilbur standing right in front of me.

''Jesus.'' I exclaimed as I jumped from seeing Wilbur there.

He had a blank and unreadable expression on his face as he stared at me. ''What are you doing here?'' He asked.

Wilbur walked on with a pile on sand in his arms, I followed after him and we both walked through the woods.

It was only morning now as the sun slowly came up in the distance.

''Just to clear my head. Are you blowing up Manburg?'' I asked the tall brunette.

He suddenly stopped and stared at me dead in the eye. ''If you are here to try and convince me not too then you can leave.''

Woah was he serious.

''No, I want in.''

''Want in? Marli I'm blowing up the entirety of Manburg, not just a small hole-''

''I know, I want in.''

Wilbur stared at me in shock as he clearly didn't think I was serious. ''Why do you suddenly want in? You were on their side a while ago now ours and now..mine? What are you up too?''

''People angering me is what I'm up too, sometimes people aren't who you remember them to be.''

Wilbur watched me with narrowed eyes and slowly nodded. ''If this is about anger, then that's something me and you will have in common to blow up Manburg. What about everybody else? They just started to like you.''

He was right, they all started to love and trust me now.

If I do this then I would've betrayed everybody I met.

First Punz and Sapnap and then would it be the whole of Pogtopia?

''I understand.''

Wilbur hummed as he chuckled slightly. ''Glad to have somebody losing their sanity too-''

''I am not losing my sanity, I'm only acting out of rage.''

''If you say so.. here's the plan then.''

I entered Pogtopia laughing with Wilbur as we told each other jokes.

He was a really cool guy, even if he was insane.

Wilbur told me everything that happened with L'Manburg and how Fundy was his son, strange.

He was merely just a guy who went insane from losing an election he hosted.

Bit petty but then again am I petty for wanting to blow up a country with my brother and best friend on it because they wanted to kidnap me?

Yeah, I was petty.

The other looked up at us in confusion as we stumbled down the stairs.

We were also partially drunk as Wilbur had a hip flask full of some sort of an alcohol, but damn was it strong.

''Wha- Are you guys.. drunk?!'' Tommy asked us surprised.

''M-Maybe.'' Wilbur barely breathed out.

He was a lot more drunk than I was which made him unable to stand properly.

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