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''W-What?'' I asked quickly and confused as I looked at Phil as wounds burned into his skin.

''T-The portal. Y-You need to get them.'' Phil said weakly as he urges me to get up and leave.

The portal? What portal-

The nether portal that connects the nether, the mainland and Techno's place together.

I quickly scrambled to my feet as I ran through the cold snow, my feet digging into the thick white snow.

I attempted to take bigger leaps through the snow to get to the portal as my heart raced.

''Come on.'' I mumbled to myself as I darted through the area.

It was freezing cold since I wasn't wearing the best clothes for this weather.

Suddenly footsteps were heard behind me as the figure trenched through the snow.

I quickly pulled out a black facemask and put it on before I was tackled into the snow.


The snow sank into my clothes making it damp and me freezing.

The figure and I scrambled with each other until I was placed onto my back and they were on top of me.

As I looked at the figure I realised it was George, fuck.

''Who- Alyssa?!'' George suddenly asked as he got off me.


''Uh.. yes. Yes it's me.. Alyssa..'' I say cautiously as I take George's hand which he offered.

He pulled me up and into a hug as I could feel a smile on his face. ''My god it's been so long.''

While I was still startled I slightly hugged him back before he pulled out and held me by the shoulders.

''How've you been? I missed you.''

''I've been good I was just back to.. to see you all!'' I say as I tried to act as this 'Alyssa' who I had never heard of.

''Your voice is a lot different to what I remember..''


''Yeah I uh got a cold.'' I began to fake cough as George watched me.

''And you dyed your hair?''

''Was sick of my old hair..'' I say trying to make up an excuse.

''Hm, interesting. Well come on I have so much to tell you and- Oh, you must see the others!'' George suddenly linked my arm with his as he began to walk to the portal.

Fuck he can't see Techno and Tommy, plus I need to help them. While he explained his life and the boring bits I thought of an excuse

''Uh George isn't the exit that way?'' I pointed in a random direction acting like I came through that way. George looked over at where I pointed and shrugged.

''I mean if you want to take the long way then sure, but this way is quicker. Plus that way only brings you beside the vault.'' George said so casually.

A vault?

''What vault?'' I asked confused as I stopped walking alongside George. George turned around and looked at me then realised.

''Ohh right you don't know, yeah there's a massive vault which is like a prison. Dream's planning to put Marli and Tommy in there. Marli is Dream's sister who is sorta on the run and she has blonde long hair so if you see here try get me, Sapnap or Dream.''

He wants to do what?..

''Anywho, come on let's go.'' George continued to walk while I felt slightly sick to my stomach, why would my brother do that to me?

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