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"Trust is a valuable thing that you can only give to people if they earned it." Techno stated as we began to spar.

I listened to him explain trust while we fought each other with wooden swords.

"When you trust somebody, you're putting your life into their hands. That means they can easily crush you." Techno pushed me back into a tree with his sword.

He went to hit me yet I quickly dodged and hit him in the stomach with the hilt of the sword.

"How do you know when to trust somebody?" I asked as I kicked the back of his legs making him slightly fall.

"You'll know by whatever you want to do or say to that person will be kept safe."

I did have a feeling to tell Sapnap everything yet I kept pushing him away and blocking him out, poor thing.

"Who do you want to trust?" Techno asked as he swiftly turned out and slightly cut my cheek with the sword.

I stumbled back as I felt my cheek then began to hit him quickly.

Techno couldn't keep up as he kept stumbling backwards and wasn't able to keep blocking, until I finally knocked the sword out of his hands and into the snow.

He bent down to pick it up yet I put my foot on his chest as I got the sword myself and handed it to him.


Techno took the sword and looked up at me in shock before I also helped him up. "Sapnap?"

"Yeah I mean-"

Then loud laughter caught my attention as I looked at Techno with furrowed brows, what was he laughing at?

"M-Marli you can't be serious. Of course you can trust him are you that dumb? He saved you multiple times before, never told Dream about you when he was looking for you and he fought his best friend for you. His best friend!"

"Yeah but I don't want to make the same mistake as I did last time." I stated with a frown.

Techno stopped laughing as he put his hand on my shoulder. "If it's Sapnap, you won't. I don't like him that much but he's done a lot for you without hesitation."

I guess he was right, maybe I should give the brunette a chance.

"Sapnap!" I yelled through the cabin as I walked around looking for the brunette.

"Sapnap-" I began as I entered Mary's room yet stopped upon seeing a woman with dark brown curled hair sitting with Sapnap and Mary on the floor, playing house.

I stared at the three as they played in confusion and shock, who was she?

"Mar Mar!" Mary yelled happily as she got up and ran over to me, hugging my legs tightly.

I put on a smile as I looked down and held her back. "Hi pumpkin."

Sapnap turned around and stood up then came over to me looking confused. "Marli? What are you doing here?"

I looked up at the brunette and responded to his question. "I came to talk to you but I see you have company.."

"Oh um right." Sapnap said awkwardly as the woman got up and turned around to face me.

I stared at the woman who faced me with a smile on her

"Hi Marli."

Fucking Lily, Dream's ex and my school bully.

"Lily." I said with a disgusted tone as I looked her up and down.

Before I could even get mad at her I turned to Sapnap, why was he with her?

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