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I sat on the edge of my bed with my leg shaking as I thought of the ways I could escape.

I looked at my window and began to think, my room was on the highest floor yet there was vines leading down the wall.

If my leg gets a bit better I could escape that way.

Only thing was, that led me to the front of the castle where Dream or Sapnap are usually patrolling.

Maybe I could patrol with them and know the routine.

As I was deep in thoughts my bedroom door opened and a figure walked in.

I turned to see who it was and saw Dream standing there.

''Dream?'' I asked confused.

He shut the door and walked over to me, then crouched down to somewhat reach my height.

''Do you want to escape?''

Was this a trick?

I narrowed my eyes at him as I looked him up and down.

He looked dead serious which made me think.

If I said yes, what would he do?

''Yes.'' I responded without trying to sound confused.

Dream stared at me for a second before looking at the door and looking back at me.

''I can help you, because believe me I don't want you here as much as you don't want to be.''

This must've been some sort of a trap.

''How do I know you're not trying to trick me?''

''Because I know you heard the conversation between me, your brother and Sapnap. I saw you slightly peaking in. Impressive how fast you can run down the stairs with a broken leg and slightly blind.''

''Excuse me?'' I ask offended as I clicked my tongue.

''That wasn't an insult, it's the truth since you might be blind due to the firework hitting your face.''

That can't be possible I can't be blind in one eye.

As I began to think about it Dream must've noticed my confusion.

''Have you even looked in the mirror yet?''

Dream grabbed a hand glass and gave it to me.

I took the silver mirror reluctantly as I looked at myself.

My eyes widened upon seeing my face.

Holy fuck.

My entire left side of my face was covered in a burn scar.

It was horrifying to see and my eye was slightly white and foggy looking.

This couldn't be happening.

''Oh my god.'' I breathed out as I took a shaky breath.

I looked awful.

''You're lucky your brother hasn't seen it or else Techno would be 6 feet under.''

Dream stood up as he walked over to the window and looked out into the distance.

I looked down and a wave of regret came over me, I was gonna look like this forever.

Not even a healing potion can do anything to help.

''My mother, Captain Puffy, is coming back from a voyage soon. By the time she comes back you'll be healed by then. I can sneak you into a barrel and onto the ship then you can go far far away from here.'' 

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