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Tommy jumped down into the small hole that I had opened with all the water at the bottom. The hole leaded to an underground passage that led outside a good bit away from Pogtopia but closer to Techno's home.

This passage was used for Techno specifically which he told me about.

I watched the teenager jump down as I heard loud footsteps running down the steps and thudding through the ravine into the room we were just in.


I assume Ghostbur told Dream where Tommy was then realised I took Tommy away.

I smirked to myself as I got into the hole and closed the latch, and before falling down into a pool of water I heard a loud yell.


It had been a couple days since Techno's execution, and everything seemed to be fine.

Techno and Tommy occasionally went invisible and began to spy on L'Manburg to see what they were up too while I stayed home most days.

Some days I would join them and it would be interesting to see what the people did and apparently they all thought Tommy was dead.


I also didn't want to face my brother recently since I had hid Tommy away from him, again.

So I would go to see everybody in the castle whenever Dream was out. Luckily for me Dream didn't tell anybody I was hiding Tommy again.

Since Tommy and Techno went out all day using invisible potions, they went through roughly 5 a day which was a lot regarding how they went out practically everyday.

So I did them a favour by making constant invisibility potions and collecting other ingredients.

I slid on black jeans with a black top and my combat boots before pairing it all with a fluffy dark brown jacket.

Cosy and fashionable.

I put warm gloves on before grabbed a basket and a small knife to cut the ingredients with. For the most part I needed sugar and carrots.

First was to make a night vision potion then use a fermented spider eye to make it invisibility.

We had lots of them at home.

I left the house and walked towards a part of the forest where on the other side of it there wasn't any snow.

The crunch of the snow from my boots as I walked sounded so nice as I trenched through it.

I grabbed the map out of the basket and opened it to find small dots and x's I made to label stuff. The blue x's were the villages while the red x's were other buildings such as a dark oak mansion.

I began to walk towards one of the x's that was closest to me and it also had a beach next to it, great.

I studied the map and began to look around it, yet I was too focused on it I didn't realise where I was going until I felt a huge drop.

I yelped as I fell down into a ditch that was fairly deep as I rolled around the dirt making me cough.


I got up and brushed the small twigs off me as I looked up, how was I going to get out?

I pulled out my knife and began to try and either dig out or climb out using my knife.

Yet it wouldn't work and I just kept sliding back down into the hole.

I could either wait for Techno and Tommy to get back or get out myself.

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