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I've been in Pogtopia for over a week, and I've gotten closer with everybody, especially Tommy.

I taught Tommy how to use any weapon properly and how to heal a wound, I also trained him.

Tubbo and the others would join in too and I was beginning to think we might win, regardless if Manburg had good fighters.

On the daily I would think about my brother and the others, I was definitely not gonna forgive them for a while.

Thankfully when this war was over I'll be back on the road again.

I walked through the woods not too far away from Pogtopia, and was looking for ingredients used for potions.

Techno had said he had most of the ingredients yet was missing a few like mushrooms and stuff like that.

The woods was calm and peaceful with the sound of birds chirping away in the trees.

It was nice, there was no conflict or tensions in the woods and just a relaxed feel.

I noticed some mushrooms in the distance, a lot of brown and few reds.


I walked over to them and got onto my kneels as I plucked the mushrooms out and placed them into my wooden basket.

Since moving to Pogtopia I've gotten a new outfit along with armour.

My Pogtopian outfit was army green cargo pants with straps and holsters all along while my top was a black tank top with more straps.

My blonde hair was tied into a low messy bun and I had combat boots and fingerless long sleeve gloves.

I felt a cold sharp object press against the back of my neck and I froze.

"Move and I'll kill you."


"You broke a pinky promise."

"That was after I realised how much of a traitor you are."

"Don't patronise me for joining Pogtopia which was something you were too scared to do."

I felt Sapnap dig the sword deeper into the back of my neck making me cringe.

Was he actually gonna kill me?

Once I felt the sword stop digging into my neck so harshly, I took this as my chance.

I quickly turned around and hit the sword away from me by using the sword that I had quickly pulled out beforehand.

Our swords clashed as he was taken off guard while I kicked him into a tree.

Sapnap grunted then quickly came at me with his sword.

My chances of winning was slim since my sword wasnt as strong as his.

I ducked down and slashed his back with the sword.

Luckily he was wearing his armour so it only left a scratch on his chest plate.

I slashed his ankles which made him groan as he turned around to me, and hit me across the face with the hilt of his sword.

I stumbled back and felt my nose begin numb, I felt my nose and looked down at my finger covered in blood from my nose.

Clearly I was too caught off guard as Sapnap punched me which caused me to fall down onto the ground.

I spat out some blood and quickly got up yet as I stood up I was shoved against a tree.

I groaned to myself as my back began to ache, ouch.

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