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The day of the ball, again.

I slipped into my long red dress as I adjusted it while it hugged my curves nicely.

With my hair I decided to make it feathered as for my makeup it was a neutral dark glam with red lipstick, of course.

I didn't add much jewellery apart from keeping the necklace Punz gave me and a few rings.

I grabbed my mask before fixing myself in the mirror as I went downstairs to where the others were talking.

"Wow Marli you look breath-taking." Phil said as I turned around to the others.

I smiled sweetly as I hugged him as a thank you, before grabbing the golden long earrings sitting on top of the chest.

The earrings were a gold chain connecting to my upper ear where I had a piercing there. The jewellery on my ears fit nicely.

"Oh also, somebody dropped these off. By your.. secret admirer?" Techno asked hesitantly as he read off a small note.

I looked at him to where there was a black box sitting on the counter as he read off the beige coloured note.

Confused, I walked over to the box.

I was still walking around barefoot, which meant the cold hard wooden floor made me shiver when I walked on it.

The box was large and with a golden ribbon on top. I opened the box and my eyes widened as I stared at what was inside.

A fresh pair of closed toe platform black heels with a bright red sole.

"Oh my god. Who got you them they're beautiful!" Phil said behind me as I felt his, Techno's and Tommy's presence peeking in.

"What is it?" Tommy asked as he whispered to Techno.

Sapnap got me these.

Him getting me these wanted me to not wear them but god did he have good taste.

Reluctantly I decided to wear them since I had no other option.

As they slid onto my feet, they were comfortable immediately and I felt even more beautiful than before.

I walked around the room as they hit hardly against the ground and made a loud noise.

I spun around and looked at the three men looking astonished.



"Gorgeous, Themis." Techno's monotone voice finished Tommy's sentence.

"Thank you Protesilaus." I responded.

That was his Greek God's nickname and Protesilaus was the leader of the force from Phylace during the Trojan War.

Pretty fitting right?

I had a strap attached to my thigh under my dress full of blades and potions, along with a black purse with more potions and the essentials.

My "date" was obviously Sapnap since we were working together yet the others here couldn't know that.

So I told Sapnap to meet me by the portal.

"Right, I'm going. I'll be back a bit after midnight." I say to them as I fix my hair in the mirror near the door.

"Bye have fun!" Tommy yelled as Phil said the same as Tommy.

Just as I opened the door, another hand was put on top of mine. I looked up to see Techno looking at me sternly and worried.

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