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It's been a couple weeks and holy fuck.

It was boring as shit.

I couldn't go or do anything since I was still recovering.

Most of my time spent was walking like an idiot around the castle or else in the garden.

The garden was quite nice and really big with loads of crops and different flowers.

I would spent my hours sitting on the soft grass with the sun shining on me.

Everything seemed to have calmed down as everybody was home more often.

All apart from Dream.

He would leave early in the mornings and come back late in the evening.


Yet nobody seemed to question what he was doing.

I sat in the kitchen on the counter, snacking on some chocolate chips I found in the press.

While I was reading the book 'Pride and Prejudice' I heard a familiar voice.

"If you fall then I am not helping you up."

I looked up at the figure and glared at the brunette standing opposite me.

"Why? Will you catch me instead?"

"No quite in fact I would hope you break your other leg."

"Ouch." I said sarcastically as I put my hand over my chest.

Sapnap rolled his eyes and walked over to the fridge.

I quickly put my other leg out in front of him which he tripped over and nearly fell.

I smiled as I pulled my leg away while he got up and glared at me.


Sapnap slightly scoffed and opened the fridge.

I continued to read my book as I ate the chocolate chips.

"Did you fucking eat my mac and cheese?"

Sapnap turned to me as he clicked his tongue, was he serious?

"Now give me a good reason why I would do that, you add blue cheese to it."

Yeah, he adds blue cheese to it.

"Are you doing it out of spite?"

"Sapnap it's food why would I care."

"You really are blind." He mumbled as he pulled out a plate covered in tin foil.

"Excuse me?" I put down my book as I sternly asked him.

"Techno should've shot you directly in the face y'know."


Sapnap began to take the tinfoil off the plate to reveal some cold grilled cheese.

"Yeah and I wish he hit you as well. What is your fucking problem with me?"

"My problem is the fact you're a traitor alright. You aren't loyal!"


"I'd be more loyal if you weren't choosing stupidity over morality-"

"Enough with the fucking morality bullshit! You call it morality when in reality it's the wrong fucking decision. And you knew it was when you got hit in the face by you're own teammate." Sapnap yelled at me as he faced me.

"It was an accident!-"

"You are defending everybody but the people closest to you. The people who saved you-"

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