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Today was the day of the war, and the day I was blowing up the nation with Wilbur.

Techno had said he had something for us regarding to the war so we all followed him out of Pogtopia and into the forest.

I kept my head down as I walked with the others and thought about how everybody will hate me after this.

Did I really want to blow up a country out of..anger?

In the background I heard everybody joking and talking to each other as I awkwardly walked alongside.

Maybe this was a bad idea.

''Hey.'' I heard a sweet German voice which startled me as I looked up at the blonde girl smiling at me.

''Hi.'' I replied as I slightly smiled back.

''Tubbo you idiot- Give that back!'' Tommy yelled as Tubbo held his bandana away from him.

I watched them as Niki softly chuckled at the teenagers arguing.

Suddenly I felt Niki grab my arm and slow me down as she watched the others walk ahead of us.

I look at her confused as she whispered to me. ''Are you okay? You look..worried.''

I stared at the woman who had eyes full of concern, now I really didn't want to blow up the place.

''Yeah- Uh yes. Yes I'm fine just a bit nervous to fight against my brother and best friend- Well, ex best friend.''

Niki nodded as she listened to me and seemed to understand my ramble.

''I just feel guilty for switching sides and now I have to face them again that's all.''

''I'm sorry you have to do that but you're making the right choice and you're on the right side.'' 

Niki pulled me into a warm embrace as I awkwardly hugged her back.

She smelt of flowers and vanilla which was oddly comforting, but you can kinda guess what somebody so sweet like her could smell like.

''Come on we're already so far behind.'' We pulled out of the hug as we quickly jogged up to the others.

They all started to jump into the lake then swim to the bottom and go into a small opening.

I jumped into the water and felt the cold rush hit me as I swam to the opening.

God was the water freezing.

We all ended up in some tiny room under the water with lots of chests and other random objects.

It was very small and very tight trying to fit around 10 people with thick armour.

''Welcome to my secret base.'' Techno announced as we all looked at each other.

This is not what we expected for a ''secret base''.

''I-It's very nice Techno.'' Niki said as she attempted to have a positive view on this ''base''.

I looked through the chests to find random items like worn out diamond armour, dirt, cobblestone, steak and more.

''Hey hey don't take that they're my normal stuff!'' Techno slightly yelled as he pulled us all away from his chests.

I looked over to Wilbur who I saw sneakily stuffing his pockets with some gunpowder he found.

Of course.

Everybody's voices began to disappear as suddenly a ladder appeared and seemed to go more underground.

They all climbed down the ladder and I began to follow them.

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