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I quickly pulled the sweater up on Tommys stomach and my heart dropped upon seeing a massive stab wound with dried blood and was slowly getting infected.

"Techno quick!" I yelled as Techno came running beside me with healing potions and golden apples.

I grabbed one of the potions and quickly poured it over his stomach which woke him up abruptly.

Tommy woke up yelling in agony as the potion sunk into his wound and began to slowly heal it.

Techno quickly stuffed a golden apple into Tommys mouth and forced him to eat it.

With Tommys cries of pain it broke my heart to see since he was so young.

"Hey hey it's alright." I say calmly as I stroke his face gently.

Tommy looks at me with confusion and fear then upon recognising my voice he let out happy mumbles, well at least that's what I thought since the apple was in his mouth.

A few moments passed and he was wide awake with fully healed wounds. Techno was doing better as well and so was Phil since he joined in.

I sat down next to Tommy as he put his legs on my lap while I faced the others.

"What the fuck just happened?" I asked as I looked around the room.

"An attempted assassination, somebody wanted you and Tommy dead since you both had the most fatal injuries." Phil begun.

"Yeah, by Rose. The man who tried to kill me said that he was sent by Rose, that fucking bitch." I spat out angrily.

Tommy looked at me confused then looked at Techno who nodded at him, insinuating he'd tell him later.

"Why?" Tommy asked confused as he looked at me.

"Because she was meant to be married to Sapnap, yet he broke up with her because me and her had a fight."

Tommy stared at me before laughing, "Wh-What are you serious? What does he have a crush on you or something?"

Tommy continued to snicker until Techno hit him across the head making me yell.

"She knows we're here, what happens if she gives our location to Dream?" Phil asked me.

Right, even if Rose and Sapnap aren't on good terms it doesn't mean Dream and Rose are.

"I mean she must've, how else could Tommy of gotten that wound?" Techno said to me.

"How did he even get that stab wound?" I asked the two boys curiously.

"We were coming back from the nether and as soon as we walked through, Tommy was stabbed. Before I could even react explosions went off everywhere." Techno explained.

I listened to what he said and began to think. "Did the man have blonde hair?"

"Uh.. yeah how'd you know?"

Son of a bitch.

Anger began to rise as I got up and walked over to the chest of weapons and pulled out my netherite axe.

The axe was shining and clean with sharp edges and one of the best enchantments you can get.


"That bastard, he tried to kill me as well yet I let him live."

"What!? Why would you do that!?" They all yelled at me.

Techno watched me with narrowed eyes as I felt guilt because of the fact I didn't kill a man who injured my friends since I let my heart get in the way.

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