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Most of my days I spent with Mary and Sapnap, which was really fun.

Sapnap had a wooden cabin in the forest where he stayed with Mary, just to protect her.

It was cute to see him being overprotective.

I would usually babysit Mary if Sapnap had to go out with Dream or something and I enjoyed spending time with Mary anyways.

I was having a tea party with Mary in the cabin as we sat in the living room with a fireplace lit.

Sapnap was in the kitchen cooking, and the food he was cooking smelt really good.

Me and Sapnap have been on 'good' terms in front of Mary yet in reality our views on each other haven't changed.

The cabin was constantly warm and decorated to a cosy manner and nearly everything was wooden, obviously.

Mary pretended to pour me a cup of tea from a plastic teapot into a small plastic pink teacup as she handed it to me.

"Thank you miss." I thanked the young girl as I pretended to drink my 'tea'.

Mary smiled and clinked her teacup with me and she sipped from it.

I placed down the teacup and looked up to see Mary leaning towards me and motioning me with her hand to come closer.

In confusion I came closer as she leaned up to my ear and whispered. "Are you and my big brother dating?"

My eyes widened and my mouth went agape slightly as I looked at her, then laughed. "No Mary we're not."

"What! B-But you guys look like Rapunzel and Flynn, you have to be dating!"

I smiled and shook my head. "No, we don't like each other like that."

Mary huffed as she crossed her arms in annoyance making me giggle as I watched her.

"Dinner." A voice called out from the kitchen.

"Come on." I stood up and threw Mary over my shoulder.

She went from being annoyed to laughing and yelling to let her down.

I began to tickle her as I walked towards the kitchen with her.

The kitchen smelt really nice and when I entered, there was 3 plates of chicken pasta bake on the round wooden table.

He made me food?

He never did whenever I babysat or came over.

I put Mary down as she ran over to the table and jumped onto the table as she picked up her peppa pig fork.

I narrowed my eyes at Sapnap who pushed Mary's chair in and looked at me. "It's not poisoned."

"I never know with you." I sat down opposite Sapnap as we glared at each other.

I took a bite out of the pasta bake and it wasn't all that bad, obviously Mary enjoyed it as she scoffed hers.

We all ate while I watched Mary and Sapnap argue over sibling stuff, it was funny to watch.

And suddenly I felt myself slightly breaking at the sight of them having a sibling bond, just being able to rely on each other.

I wished me and Punz were still siblings.

Instead I was stuck with a deranged brother.

I cleared my throat to get rid of any emotion coming through as I stood up and took my plate over to the bin.

I didn't finish my food completely so I threw the rest out and began to wash my plate.

I missed me and Punz's relationship, we'd never be that type together again.

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