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I woke up in an unfamiliar room as I heard loud ringing in my ears, ouch.

The room was small with stone walls and a cobblestone floor, strange. The bed I was laying in was tight and small with a thin white blanket covering me.

I looked down to see I was wearing familiar grey sweatpants and a grey hoodie.

Where was I?

There was a furnace and some smokers along with lots of chests and armour stands. Was this place in the middle of nowhere? Seemed like it.

I got up slowly and walked over to the mirror to check how I was doing. The injury on my head was gone, my hair and face were no longer covered in blood and I felt no more pain, strange.

As I looked around to try eat or do something, the door in the corner of the room opened as it startled me.

And long behold, it was my brother.

My actual brother.

''You're awake.''  Dream said in a monotone voice as he threw a burlap bag onto the bed. ''Your food.''

I eyed him carefully as he opened a chest and began to put a few objects and items away.

He was wearing full shining netherite armour along with his axe and sword in a holster.

I decided to sit back on the bed and look through the bag, which just add some cooked meat and bread inside. I didn't want to eat anything given to me, yet I was starving so I grabbed the food and ate it.

As I felt the relief of having food in my stomach, Dream sat on the chair opposite me from the bed with his mask off. I looked at him strangely while I swallowed some of the meat and drank the water that was in a metal cup next to the bed.

''You're alive, you're meant to be dead.''

''Guess this is how Jesus felt-'' I say with a joking tone, yet Dream slamming his hand on the desk next to the bed startled me.

''Why are you alive? How are you alive?''

''Because I was never dead. Rosaline tried to get me assassinated, and it gave me an opportunity to fake my death.''

Dream stared at me and pinched the bridge of his nose as he let out a deep sigh while I took a big bite out of the bread.

''Do you have any idea what I and others had to go through?! What our mother had to go through?!''

''Yes and I understand! For Christ sake I seen you break down because I was there for when Sapnap broke the news to you and George!''

Dream's eyes widened as he suddenly felt vulnerable, nobody had seen him or his raw emotions before.

''Faking my death was the only way I could be able to see everybody without being caught. I felt normal when I didn't need to hide from you, my own brother, who wants to lock me up!'' I yelled as I felt my eyes become teary.

''I only wanted to protect you, I lost you once and I do not want to lose you again.'' Dream said calmly as we held eye contact.

''No, you want to lock me up for your own and everybody else's good. Because you know what I'm like and what I want so you're trying to prevent that.'' I responded back.

Dream looked down in guilt as the blanket was wrapped around my shoulders, I wasn't angry with him I was just hurt, and he could probably tell I was hurt by my facial expression.

''I'm sorry. I'm sorry I just wanted you back-''

''Why am I here Dream? What are you gonna do with me now?''

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