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"The discs! The discs are worth more than you ever were!" Tommy shouted which made everybody go quiet.

Me and Dream stared at the two in shock with our jaws on the floor.

Oh my god.

"Tommy.." I muttered under my breath, watching Tubbo having a hurt expression on his face as Tommy was full of guilt.

"You- Wh-" Tubbo stuttered through the obvious pain.

"Give him the discs Tubbo." Tommy said quietly.

"What? N-No-"

"Tubbo I'm sorry, but give him the discs."

"Tommy I'm sorry but I.." Tubbo tried to reason yet didn't know what to do or react.

"Let me make this easy for you, I slit her throat once and I'll do it again. Give me the disc." Dream spat angrily at the two.

Tubbo looked at Tommy who was nodding at him with shame.

"Thank you.. Tommy." Dream said manically as he threw me back over to Techno who held me up.

"This isn't the person I'm meant to be I mean- I look around and this isn't who I want to be.." Tommy starts as we all watch him.

"I'm so sorry." Tommy turns to Tubbo with much sorrow in his face as he looks down.

"Tommy we can get out of here. I can cover your escape we can regroup for another day." Techno said as he walked over to Tommy with an enderpearl in hand, ready to pearl away.

"Techno no I- If this means who I am then I don't want to be me anymore.."

"What are you saying Tommy?" I asked softly to the teenager.

"I..I'm with Tubbo." Tommy finally said as he stood next to his best friend.

Me and Techno stared at him as we shared a quick glance in disbelief.

Techno and Tommy began to argue as Techno yelled at him, calling him a traitor while Tommy said he didn't want to be worse than the people he hated.

This was unbelievable.

Tommy just turned on us that quickly, for somebody who exiled him.

Then a loud voice caught my attention.

"You just gave me the one thing to destroy L'Manburg!" Dream laughed as he pointed and called out everything that Tubbo did that was wrong.

"Oh and Ranboo is a traitor! Yeah he met up with Techno and Tommy beforehand- But you want to know who the real traitor is?" Dream asked in a sly voice as he walked towards me.

"Marli is."

"What no she's not!" Tommy shouted.

"Dream please." Techno rolled his eyes as he scoffed.

Dream smirked as he watched me glare at him, that fucking bastard.

"Marli was going to blow L'Manburg up with Wilbur!"

Everybody gasped as they began to whisper and stare at me.

"What!? M-Marli?!" Tommy yelled as he stared at me.

"Yeah, it's true! She planned it all with me and Wilbur. Collecting tnt, sneaking out, linking it all together." Dream smirked as I looked at all the shocked faces.

"Y-You!? We trusted you we-" Niki shouted at me as she walked over to me.

"Niki please.." I began softly until a blonde came into sight.

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