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I curled the ends of my hair as I began to dress myself for the party.

It was in Snowchester since there was a small castle that fit perfectly.

I was getting ready in Techno's and it felt so good to be home in my old room.

I put on some makeup and the golden jewellery I bought which was beautiful. I guess it was worth the money.

Surprisingly, the dress was nicer on me than I thought.

As I slid it on it immediately hugged my curves and the fabric felt so nice against my skin.

My nails were freshly done and I felt so fresh and elegant as I fitted on my shoes before spraying myself in my favourite perfume.

I got my mother a silver necklace and the heart of the sea. Along with that, I got her white and red tulips which were her favourites.

I grabbed a white trench coat as I put it on me and went downstairs to meet Philza and Techno.

They were both dressed nicely wearing suits as they were holding wrapped presents.

"You look beautiful as per usual Marli." Phil said with a smile.

I smiled and thanked him as I looked at Techno who was admiring me with a small smile, cute.

The castle was massive and largely decorated with bright colours and loud lively music as we walked in.

"Marli! My baby!" Puffy said with a cheerful smile as she ran over to me and hugged me tightly.

She was wearing a floor length red silk dress and her hair was straightened with complimented her face so beautifully.

She looked so gorgeous.

"Happy birthday mom." I smiled as I kissed her cheeks before handing her the cleanly wrapped present with white wrapping that had small gold flowers.

"Awh Mar you shouldn't have, thank you sweetheart."

I smiled as I followed her to the table full of gifts as she put the flowers and present down.

Phil went over and greeted his wife Kristin, who was a really lovely and gorgeous woman.

She was wearing a long sleeve black dress with sparkles as she kissed her husband who had his arms wrapped around her.

Techno handed Puffy his present which I had no idea what it was as they hugged.

I looked around to notice many familiar faces which made me smile as I walked behind a blonde familiar teenager.

I ruffled the boys hair as I heard him grunting before turning around to me with annoyance, which was quickly replaced with shock.

"Marli!" Tommy shouted excitedly as he hugged me very tightly.

"Hi." I said with a giggle as I hugged him back just as tight.

He pulled out of the hug with such a grin that made my heart melt.

"I missed you so much. I'm so sorry for everything and thank you for just- everything!"

I cupped the boys face with a gentle smile as I watched him ramble on.

"Tommy Tommy it's okay, I forgive you." I calmed the teenager down as he looked up at me.

"Hey Tubbo." I looked over at Tubbo with a warm smile who was standing awkwardly there with Ranboo next to him.

"Hi Marli.. how are you?"

"I'm good Tubbo thank you." I responded as Tommy stood next to me and we all began to talk to make it less awkward.

I saw my mother struggling to pour everybody a drink as they bombarded her in the drink section.

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