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"Seriously? You all needed to come in?"

"Well with you yeah." Sapnap said as he searched my drawers.

"I'm sorry is there a reason why you are going through my personal belongings?" I asked annoyed as Sapnap and Punz search my drawers.

"We heard another voice in here and-" Punz began as he stared at the window that was wide open.

"How did you- That window is locked and always is." Punz asked me as he faced me.

"What you want me to suffocate in a hot room?" I asked as I try to make an excuse.

"Marli your room is one of the coldest." Sapnap said as he went through the drawers in my desk.

Suddenly Sapnap pulled out my diaries.

Oh shit.

"Hey! Give me those!" I tried to get up and reach over for it.

"Hiding something?"

"No I just want to keep my privacy like a normal person would." I said roughly as I grabbed the diaries off him.

Punz sighed as he looked at me. "Who or what are you hiding in here Marli."

"Nobody as I told you."

Punz looked around then slowly got on his knees as he bent down to move the blanket that was covering under the bed.

I watched Punz with fear while Sapnap continued to look around the room.

Please please don't find Tubbo.

Yet Punz stopped as he got back up onto his feet.

I let out a small sigh in relief as I felt Tubbo did the same.

Sapnap watched us with narrowed eyes before he suddenly grabbed the blanket and threw it away.

He crouched down and his eyes widened. ''Tubbo?!''

Punz furrowed his brows then he stared in shock at the young boy under the bed.


I grabbed a blanket and threw it at their faces before yelling. ''Go!''

Tubbo quickly came out from under the bed and raced out the door.

The two luckily only got the blanket off their face as Tubbo left.

''You- You snuck Tubbo in?!'' Punz yelled at me as Sapnap got back up.


And there I was.

Sitting in the meeting room at the end of the table with everybody sitting at the front, glowering down at me.

My leg was bouncing as we patiently all waited for Dream to attend.

The meeting room was large and echoey which was annoying.

Then Dream walked in and everybody sat up suddenly properly.

He was covered in dirt and looked even more pissed than I expected.

''Everybody out.'' He said in a cold voice as he sat at the front of the table opposite me.

Everybody wore a confused face yet left silently, leaving me and Dream alone.

''Why did you sneak Tubbo in?'' He asked as he looked at me dead in the eye.

''I wanted some company, that is other than everybody here.''

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