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A small child jumped into my arms roughly the age of 5 or 6. She had light brown hair with blue eyes and a soft face.

She wrapped her legs around my waist as she threw her arms around my neck and buried her face into my shoulder.

I held onto her in shock to make sure she wouldn't fall as I looked up to see Bad, Sapnap and George running towards me.


"Mary come on, get off Marli." Bad said with a deep sigh.

"No!" The child screamed as she held onto me tightly.

Of course, this was Sapnap's little sister, how didn't I realise.

"Mary hi!" I said happily with a giggle as I held her up properly for her to look me in the eyes.

Her face went from a grumpy one to a lit up one as she smiled. "Mar Mar!"

She's so cute.

"Hi sweet baby." I said with a chuckle as she hugged me tighter.

I looked up at the three men staring at me with widened eyes and mouths agape. "What?"

"Is she.. is she good with kids?" George whispered to Sapnap who was staring at me.

Did he really think I'd hurt his sister?


I sat in the living room playing dolls with Mary as Sapnap stood in the doorway watching us.

Mary was a loving, joyful and wild bundle of a child, yet I loved her.

"So this is Olivia, she's dating Ken which is Barbie's boyfriend but Barbie isn't here." Mary stated as she showed me a brunette doll.

I nodded as I pretended to show interest while Mary went through the different dolls.

"But Anna has 2 children and- Mar mar do you have any kids?" Mary asked as she looked up at me.

My eyes widened and I became flushed quickly. "Wh- Uh nope."

"Mary." Sapnap said sternly to his sister.

"What! I was just asking a question!'' Mary pouted as she crossed her arms and slightly huffed. I watched her with a small smile as I chuckled.

''No no it's alright, you can ask me anything sweetheart.'' I say as I cup the little girls face and kissed her nose. The little girl giggled and stuck her tongue out at Sapnap who rolled his eyes.

"Mary are you hungry?" Sapnap asked the little girl as he stood up properly.

Mary shook her head and continued to play with her barbie dolls. Sapnap sighed as he walked over beside her and crouched down.

"You haven't eaten all day pumpkin."

"I'm not hungry." Mary pouted as she brushed her dolls hair with a mini plastic hairbrush.

Sapnap and I shared glances before I looked at Mary and said in a soft voice. "How about I make you spaghetti with little hot dogs cut into it?"

"With taco shells?" Mary mumbled as she looked up at me with big eyes.

"Only the best for my angel." I replied with a smile as I softly pinched her cheek.  Mary's face lit up as she had a big smile over her face.

Sapnap stared at me as I stood up with Mary and took her hand gently, and began to walk to the kitchen with the little girl.

"Bon appetite honey." I slid the bowl across the table over to the little girl who had a big smile and a small napkin acting as a bib tucked into her shirt.

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