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For the next while I never left my room, not even for food or water.

I laid in my bed for hours, days, weeks, months.

I couldn't leave, I just killed my brother, my best friend.

Since I haven't eaten I've only gotten skinnier, weaker and paler.

Everybody had attempted to get me out of bed yet I didn't want to leave.

My hair was greasy and my clothes were dirty, not a good combination.

Everybody began to slowly leave which resulted in only Sapnap, George and Dream.

Yet in reality only Sapnap and Dream were around.

Sapnap would make me food and leave it next to me, sometimes even force feed me.

I couldn't even talk I was in that much pain.

Anytime I thought about Punz I just broke down.

I went into such a deep spiral of depression I couldn't even force myself to do anything anymore.

Rosaline and Sapnap were officially not a thing anymore and their side didn't bother us anymore.

It was coming up to Christmas and I was dreading it.

I had to spend it without Punz.

I decided to finally look through a shoebox that Punz had made filled with stuff about himself.

He made this for me when he was leaving and I had it ever since.

The hoodies inside of it smelt so much like him and there was small stuff he liked plus photos of us.

Everything was numb and I felt nothing but regret.

I pulled out a gold chain from the box and looked at it.

It was Punz's and said his initials in the back of the chain.

I decided to put it on me as I looked down at my nails. They were horrible and chipped with barely any nail polish.

Suddenly Sapnap walked into the room with a tray of food and placed it next to me.

"Marli please have a shower and go for a walk."

I looked up at him and looked down as I began to play with the chain.

Sapnap sighed and sat down next to me. "I know you're hurt and in regret but please, you're killing yourself by doing this."

"I want that."

"Marli please, we're all worried about you." Sapnap said with his voice cracking.

How could I do anything, I lost my best friend because of my actions.

"Please.." Sapnap began as I looked at him.

I couldn't.

A week later I finally got outside.

I was training and taking better care of myself while trying to recover.

I was going to live on for Punz.

I still don't regard Puffy or Dream as my family even if they treat me like one.

Was I being selfish?

I only thought and wanted Punz as my family, nobody else.

Yet he was gone.

Sapnap became closer to me, probably because Punz told him to do so.

It was a cold morning as I walked around the area wearing dark pale green jeans with a vintage sweater.

It was only maybe 10am as it was very quiet, yet I was out to find Tommy.

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