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I sat in my room on the floor playing with the invitation Sapnap gave me.

The masquerade was tomorrow.

It was a white card with golden and red laces going around it, with thick bold black writing announcing the masquerade birthday.

I was excited deep down since nobody would recognise me, so I could act however I wanted too.

I wonder who else would be going, maybe I should ask Techno. Yet I can't give myself away.

Suddenly a few taps on my window startled me as I looked up to see Sapnap sitting on the ledge, waiting to be let in.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I got up off the floor and walked towards the window.

I was wearing a spaghetti strap black top with grey sweatpants that was fluffy on the inside.

It was warm in my room which is why I didn't need thick clothes, unlike Sapnap who looked to be freezing.

He was wearing a black hoodie with red bold writing and black cargo pants.

"Let me in first, then we'll talk."

I thought about it for a second before responding with a snarky comment. "No, I want to keep my room in good shape."

"Marli I'm gonna freeze my dick off, let me in."

"You may suffer." I say as I turn around.

Yet just as my back faced him, the window smashed and a loud thud appeared behind me.

I quickly turned around with a pissed off face before I bumped into a hard chest.

Sapnap looked down at me with a stupid grin while I glared up at him. "Fix my window."

"Make me."

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you with that vase?" I asked as I pointed to the vase with indigo flowers.

"Your favourite flower. I will remember that to the day I die."

I turned to Sapnap, my body relaxing a bit as he smiled softly at me.

Snap out of it Marli.

"Okay whatever." I mumble as I walk over to the brewing stand where my potions sit.

I carefully put different ingredients into the top as it flowed into the liquid below it.

"What are you making?"

"Fire resistance, you're gonna need it."

"You're setting the place aflame?" Sapnap asked confused.

"Something like that." I mumbled as I watched the liquid in the bottle change colour and bubbles form.

Sapnap began to walk around my room as he admired the place. "Nice room."

My room was sorta small and full of plants and posters with a smell of incense. The walls were a cream colour with a wooden floor.

There were bookshelves and candles everywhere along with jewellery.

I liked my room a lot.

"Thanks." I mutter as I grabbed the potions and put them aside and began to make more.

"So what's the plan?" Sapnap asked as he sat on my bed while still looking around in awe.

"Well first I want to do some small damage before major damage. Can't necessarily tell you til the day."

"Marli if you want us to work together, you can't keep everything to yourself."

I scoffed slightly and filled more glass bottles with water. "I don't see why not."

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