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"She started it!-"

"I don't care who started it. Sapnap sit down." Dream said sternly to us.

Sapnap scoffed as he grabbed the napkin roughly and cleaned his shirt from the wine.

I watched him and slightly grinned as he sat down and threw the napkin onto the table.

"Marli stop it."

I smirked and shrugged as I leaned back in the chair.

Dream sighed deeply as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I wanted one normal dinner is that so much to ask for?"

"Oh sorry dad." I say sarcastically.

Dream turned to me with a glare which signalled me to shut up.

I rolled my eyes and watched him pull out an envelope.

The envelope had a clean big red stamp in the middle to enclose it.

"What's that honey?" Puffy asked as she poured me another glass of wine.

"An invitation. We were all invited to a masquerade ball."

A masquerade ball?

"I have a broken leg Dream, how am I meant to attend."

"You don't need to attend, simple." Sapnap said as he sipped his wine.

I rolled my eyes as Dream gave Sapnap a look then turned to me.

"Yes, but luckily the ball is in 3 weeks. Your leg won't be healed but with-"

"Potions?! Dream she can't take so many potions or else she'll go insane!" Bad suddenly jumped in.

He had a point, I would go nuts.

"Who said anything about potions?" Dream asked as he pulled out a shining golden apple.

My eyes lit up upon seeing the glistening apple.

Where did he get those? Maybe that's why he goes out.

"A Notch apple, the-" Punz said as he looked at us.

"The rarest and best kind of apple to ever be found." I finish Punz's sentence as I stared at the apple in awe.

"Yes, and with this you will heal faster. I have around 4 for you and by the time the ball comes, you'll be healed properly."

I nodded and looked over at Punz and Sapnap who whispering to each other.

"These are completely safe to take and much better for you over them golden apples. Yet you can only have 2 a week."

"Only 2?" I asked the masked man.

"Unless you want to go insane then yes only 2."

It was like Adam and Eve with the forbidden fruit all over again.

I nodded as he handed me the pair of shining golden apples.

"And her burn scars and blind eye?" Punz asked with concern.

"The burnt tissue will slowly recover with the Notch apples. The eye I'm not so sure-"

"It will improve her vision more but not fully." Bad said as he stuffed his face with potatoes.

Thank god.

It wasn't too bad living with a blind eye only for the fact I would sometimes misplace things or how I can't see from a far distance.

I nodded as I began to eat the rest of my dinner.

After dinner I helped Puffy in the kitchen with Dream, she washed the dishes, I dried them and Dream put them away.

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