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Me and Sapnap stared at each other before I darted into the forest.

Yet I didn't get very far as somebody grabbed me by the back of my jacket and pulled me back, then threw me against the tree Sapnap and George were facing.

I hit the hard bark with a thud as I grunted from the sudden pain, what was with people throwing me against trees?

I looked up and my heart dropped when I seen the smiling mask towering over me wearing full shining netherite armour and carrying a glistening purple axe.

"Oh well guess he found you." George muttered under his breath as I stared up at my brother with fear.

I couldn't see his face but I knew his eyes were piercing through my soul with rage.

Sapnap and I shared eye contact with him looking bewildered, both of us having no clue what to do.

"Marli.." Dream finally said with a smile which broke the silence in the forest.

"You don't know how long I've been searching for you.. Boys? A bit of privacy?" Dream said as he looked over at the two innocently.

George nodded happily while Sapnap didn't stop looking at me as George dragged him off into the woods.

As Dream watched them leave I attempted to escape by running, yet I was caught and slammed into the tree making me groan loudly.

"How long is this fucking game gonna last?" Dream angrily spat through gritted teeth.

"As long as I'm alive." I say through pain and a grin making my brothers jaw tick.

He grabbed me by my jacket and pulled me towards him before hardly slamming me against the tree again.

And fuck did it hurt.

"Quit it Marli. Tell me where Tommy is right now or else you'll be getting it."

I laughed and shook my head. "I value Tommy's life over mine, so not a chance."

"Fine, then I'll just kill Techno."

I stopped laughing and glared at Dream, which made him smirk.

"Not so tough now are we? You can either tell me and have Tommy killed or not tell me and have Techno killed-"

"You won't kill Techno, you owe him a favour." I interrupted him as I spat in his face.

Dream stared at me before wearing a smug smile. "What about Mary?"

"You wouldn't even get close to touching her without Sapnap slitting your god damn throat. But if you want to talk about killing people then fine, what about George?"

And suddenly Dream's smile was gone.

He raised his axe to be pressed against my throat, the cold object making a shiver run down my spine.

"George's head being chopped off and shoved onto a stick so you can-"

Suddenly Dream drew his axe away sharply, cutting my throat.

I held onto my throat as blood began to spill out onto my hands.

Dream stared at me with his mouth agape as I began to cough and fall to the ground.

God this was painful, it felt like I was suffocating as breathing began so difficult.

I don't know how deep he slashed my throat but fuck I was choking on pain and not being able to breathe.

"Fuck. Marli I'm so so sorry. Please." Dream began to panic as he held onto me, blood getting all over him.

Was he beginning to care?

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