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The poison sunk into my skin and began to burn badly.

I dropped the bottle which smashed onto the ground from impact.

I yelled in agony as I the liquid burnt through my skin and travelled through my body.

Sapnap stared at me with widened eyes as he panicked. "Oh my god oh my god."

He repeatedly stammered as took off his hoodie and applied pressure onto my wound.

It hurt so bad and I found it hard to breathe.

The poison travelled all over my body and I felt everything becoming weaker and painful.

Tears streamed down my face from the pain as I continued to yell in pain.

Loud footsteps raced down the steps and voices were talking to each other.

My legs began to give under me as Sapnap quickly caught me.

"I'm so sorry Marli o-oh my god." He said with stress.

"What the fuck did you do!? Move!" My brothers voice yelled as he pushed Sapnap aside and took me into his arms.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean too!"

Punz held me and lightly slapped my cheeks to keep me awake. "Marli stay with me."

I went in and out of consciousness as everything began to spin and get blurry.

It hurts.

I slowly opened my eyes to hear voices yelling outside the door.

All I could see was a shining bright light and everything was a blurred white.

Have I gone blind?

"Have you lost your mind!" Mumbling voices yelled at one another.

I felt dazed as I looked around the room to realise I was in the infirmary.

I was laying on a hard bed with a thin blanket on top of me.

I looked at the others beds beside me and looked over at the door where I could see silhouettes.

The pain was reduced to a level I could take as I slowly sat up.

I groaned slightly as I looked down at the bandage covering my chest.

Was I ruined again?

Suddenly the door opened and Punz walked in with Dream.

"Marli thank god you're awake." Punz said as he hugged me tightly.

I inhaled sharply as he pressed against the burn.

"Punz, her chest." Dream said from behind him.

Punz quickly got off me. "Sorry but how are you feeling?"

"Still a bit sore yet it's manageable." I say stiffly.

"What were you doing making forbidden potions at 12am!?" Punz suddenly yelled at me.


"Punz she just woke up, leave her." Dream jumped in as he put a hand on Punz's shoulder.

"They are called forbidden for a reason Marli and now you know why!" Punz pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed in disappointment.

It was all my fault, he's right as I shouldn't of been making forbidden potions.

Yet unfortunately I wasn't gonna stop.

"I know I know and I'm sorry." I say with pity.

"You're lucky we got to you quickly or else you would've been dead since it landed on your chest." Dream said as he handed me a shining golden apple.

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