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It had been a couple days since me and Sapnap were seeing each other properly.

He was really sweet by bringing me on small flower dates or listening to me rant about my family.

I finally opened up to him about how I felt and my entire family life that messed me up completely.

I'll never forget that night where I cried in his arms as he held me tightly and just listened to me. It was the most amazing feeling ever to be in his arms, feeling safe.

Dream and Punz didn't like our relationship, but I couldn't care less.

I was finally happy.

I grabbed Sapnap and flipped him over onto the grass as I put my foot on his chest to hold him down.

We were out in the field that was next to the cabin practice fighting and currently I was winning.

"Awh below me are we?" I said with a smirk.

Sapnap scoffed before grabbing my leg and pulling me down to be on top of him.

"Hi gorgeous." Sapnap had a smug smile as he leaned in to kiss me yet I sat up and straddled him instead.

"You do realise you're losing right?" I asked the brunette as he used his elbows to perk himself up slightly.

Sapnap pretended to act shocked. "What!? I am!?"

I rolled my eyes and hit his chest lightly before standing up properly.

"You're ridiculous."

"You love me for it."

Just as I was about to open my mouth to speak, Mary came running with a small basket full of fake food.

"Free food!" She shouted as she walked around us.

Me and Sapnap looked at each other with a smile before we began to push each other as we ran over to Mary.

"I'll take some!"

"No ignore her, I'll pay you for it-"

"Mary if you serve me first I'll get you a new doll." I shoved Sapnap aside.

"Hey that's not fair!" Sapnap yelled at me.

"Is too!"

"Guys relax, there's enough food for everyone!" Mary said with a cheerful smile as she handed me a fake plastic cupcake.

I took it and pretended to eat it as she handed Sapnap a fake plastic apple.

We both kneeled to be Mary's height as Mary looked proud being able to sell food.

"Wh- Hey this isn't fair why did she get a cupcake!?" Sapnap asked annoyed.

"Because I'm the favourite." I stuck my tongue out at the brunette who rolled his eyes.

"Mar Mar gets a cupcake because she's as sweet as one!" Mary said with a big smile.

Awh, my heart melted.

I pulled Mary towards me and began to kiss her all over her face making her giggle and try to push me away.

Sapnap stood up and watched us before pulled out a camera. "Say cheese."

I looked at Sapnap and held Mary in as we both smiled while Sapnap took the photo.

He looked at the photo with a smile and looked up at us. "Two beautiful girls."

He's so cute.

I stood up properly and placed the plastic foods back into the small basket as Mary picked it up and ran back into the house.

maneater -reader oc x sapnap-Where stories live. Discover now