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As we entered the castle my eyes widened, it was beautiful and truly stunning.

It was a large white castle with a gold and white design on the inside.

There was a red carpet we all walked down as we put our masks on to hide our identity.

As I put my mask on I looked around before looking back at Dream. ''Who was that girl Sapnap was with?''

''His fiancée.''

His what?

"I'm sorry?"

"He's getting married today, hence why there's a masquerade ball." Dream said as looked around at the others.


"Was she your date? Wait but-" I asked confused until he cut me off.

"Originally it was supposed to be me and you but, plans change I guess."

I furrowed my brows while looking around at the art on the wall.

It was truly beautiful with lanterns and lots of designs.

"Oh my god I knew that was the right dress for you!" Puffy said excitedly as she hugged me tightly.

Her hair was puffed up and she had a red and white mask on along with a long red dress that complimented her body.

"Thank you so much I love it and you look beautiful." I say while smiling.

I recognised a few people like Tommy, Tubbo, Techno and a few others, thank god.

"No you look beautiful doll, seriously I-"

"Puffy! Over here!" A posh voice loudly called Puffy over.

I looked at the group of women and men in masks and dresses, they looked expensive.

"One second please darling, duty calls." Puffy said as she quickly kissed my cheek and went over to the group.

As she went over to them I decided to go over to Tubbo and Tommy who were standing with who I think was Niki.

I fixed my mask and made my way over until somebody with a feminine voice behind me spoke.

"Marli is it?"

I turned around and looked at the young woman smiling somewhat menacing.


"Oh it's a pleasure to meet you, heard so much about you. Where are my manners, my name is Rosaline." The woman put her hand out.

So this was Sapnaps fiancée.

She had long thick black hair with dark blue eyes and slightly tanned skin.

She was wearing a shining red silk dress that hugged her perfect curves along with a white mask with golden designs.

Her lips were full and she was the ideal perfect woman.

I nodded slowly as I shook her hand, while shaking her hand I noticed a big fat ring sitting on her ring finger.

Of course.

"Oh you like my ring? My husband got it for me." She said as she pulled away and played with her ring.

Her ring was silver with a large diamond stone sitting in the middle.

"Fiancé." I say sternly while she smirked at me.

"Husband in a few hours. So you're his best friend huh? Didn't anybody tell you it wasn't a halloween party sweetie?" Rosaline said mockingly.

This bitch.

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