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I walked back from my encounter with Sapnap as I twirled the arrow around my finger.

I had to be careful of Dream finding me and also the arrow hurting me if the tip touched me.

Questions began to fill my head on what had just happened back there.

Why didn't Sapnap give me away?

Why did he use a ''moral'' choice?

What was going on.

Yet the one thing that stuck to my mind was my appearance.

Blonde hair isn't the type of hair you'd want when you're trying to hide.

As much as I love my hair, I need the colour gone and something darker.

But where was I gonna get the dye?

I'll figure that out when I get back home.

As I approached the cabin I realised it was empty and quiet, strange. They couldn't all be out right?

I walked up the wooden steps as my boots made loud thuds with particles of snow following along.

''Techno!?'' I shouted as I walked in and placed the arrow onto the counter. ''Tommy?! Phil?!''

Must be out hunting or something.

With that I put everything back and grabbed a piece of paper along with a feather that was dipped in ink.

How fancy.

I quickly wrote on the note, 'Gone out, will be back soon - M.'  and put the note onto the counter next to the potion dipped arrow and notebook.

I looked at myself in the mirror to say goodbye to my blonde long hair, god I did love it yet I had to get rid of it.

Before I thought about it too much I quickly left and went to the one person who could do hair the best.

''Marli!'' Niki said happily as she pulled me into a tight warm hug.

It was an awkward one regarding how short she was compared to me yet I still appreciated it.

Niki was in my eyes a great 'hairdresser' since she has done her hair and other people's hair a lot.

Especially her own.

I had to be careful when coming over to Niki's house as it was near the centre of everybody else, and I didn't want to be caught.

Her house was a cottage with vines and flowers everywhere, then a basement with hair dye, makeup and more.

''God I thought you were dead- You can't even be here if you get caught you'll-'' Niki began in a panic before I quickly shut her up.

''I know I know it's just, I came here for a reason. One because I missed you and two.. I want you to fix me.''

The blonde woman looked at me with a confused face as she cautiously repeated what I said. ''Fix you? You don't need fixing.''

''I do, I need to change my appearance to stay hidden.'' I say as I walk over to the desk where different small sheets of paper had different hair colours on them splayed.

''You can't be dying your hair!? It's so beautiful and natural.. surely not Marli.'' Niki walked over next to me with a shocked expression.

''Niki I am a woman on the run and blonde hair isn't the best for covering up. I need to go darker and look completely different.'' I say as I pick up a sheet of paper with a dark brown colour.

The colour was a medium brown and quite nice, expect I couldn't just be brown.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I played with my hair slightly with Niki watching me. ''I want you to cut my hair as well.''

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