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I coughed as I slowly got up with an aching pain all over my body and bruises beginning to form.

What the fuck?

I looked around and held onto my arm which I landed on and surely damaged it from the impact.

I was in shock and in pain while I looked at the destroyed L'Manburg.

Wilbur really did it.

A groan from behind me caught my attention as I looked to see Sapnap in pain.

I grabbed a golden apple and threw it at him to which he caught.

He slightly nodded at me and ate the apple.

I decided to get away from him as soon as possible so I limped over to the room.

It hurt to even walk as it felt like nails sticking through my boots into my feet.

I definitely broke a bone in my leg as it was sore as hell.

Yet I continued to walk and came up to the room to where I saw Wilbur and some blonde man next to him.

I got closer and you could really see the destruction of the explosions.

And fuck did it do a lot.

Everybody was looking up at us from the big hole in the front of the room and they seemed to be devastated.


''Wilbur-'' I began as I limped over to him.

Yet I quickly stopped and gasped while I watched the blonde man stab Wilbur right in the chest with a sword.

Everybody began to yell and gasp I could hear from a distance.

Holy fuck.

I stood there agape as I felt my knees slowly get weak.

The man looked at me with eyes full of regret and guilt.

Our plan.

Our adventure.

The boat at dock.

The plans we made.

All destroyed in seconds.


Yet as I tried to speak I felt somebody grab me from behind and put a cloth over my mouth.

I tried to scream as I began to hit the person vigorously, attempting to break free.

The blonde man quickly got closer yet the stranger holding me put his hand out to stop him.

''Phil it's okay.''

And I could recognise that voice anywhere.

My brother.

I felt my heart slightly ache as I slowly went in and out of consciousness.

My limbs became weak and everything began to go black.

Until the only thing I saw was darkness.

Next day

I slowly opened my eyes as the brightness of the early morning shown right into my eyes.

Jesus I haven't felt this burn since a few weeks when I was back with Punz.


I quickly sat up and looked around the familiar room.


It was exactly how I left it, not a poster or decoration was moved to the slightest.

Only thing that was moved was the violently opened drawers and my letters and diaries all over the floor.

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