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Dream began to fall off the grid and down into the now what was being made crater.

I watched him fall as he glared up at me with anger.

Yet just as I was about to turn around, I noticed Punz run under Dream and place a bucket of water down.

Letting Dream land in the pool of water and surviving as Punz handed him potions of healing.

Techno ran up over to me and pulled me down from the grid. "What the hell are you doing!?"

"Trying to kill him for once and for all." I responded as I reloaded the crossbow.

Techno looked at me astonished and looked over at Dream and Punz who were slowly getting back up.

"Get out of here Marli. Out of all places this is not safe."

"What no I-"

And suddenly somebody grabbed me by my chestplate and roughly pulled me towards them.


He was full of anger as he glared at me. "You are fucking psycho."

"Me? Psycho!? Dream tried to fucking kill me twice! One time he nearly succeeded!" I shouted at my ex brother in anger.

I watched Punz and Dream both pull out dark liquid potions, oh no.

Then suddenly a quick figure tackled Punz, causing me to fall back slightly since Punz had a strong grip on me.

Techno caught me from behind and put me slightly behind him, away from the others.

I watched Sapnap and Punz on the ground fighting and punching each other.

What was he doing? They were best friends.

"Don't fucking touch her." Sapnap said through gritted teeth as he threw Punz onto the ground as he got up.

I watched Dream sneak up behind Sapnap and I didn't know what to do.

Yet before I could even react, Tommy tackled Dream to the ground and they began to fight.

I watched the four fight, my heart aching since I wasn't able to help.

"Go fight with Tommy." Techno suddenly said, catching my attention.

"What?" I asked confused as I looked up at him.

"You're only on this side for me, and I understand but you need fight against the people who wronged you."

He was talking about Punz and Dream.

"Do it." Techno said as he moved out of the way for me.

I looked at Techno then blew a firework from the crossbow at Punz which hit him in the shoulder, pushing him back.

Sapnap stared at Punz before watching me run towards Dream.

I needed to end this.

Tubbo and Tommy were defeated on the ground as Dream stood over them with a smirk.

"Marli don't!" I heard Sapnap's voice yell at me as I jumped over the two boys and hit Dream hardly across the face with my foot.

He fell to the ground and quickly blocked himself with his shield as I dug my sword into it.

He pushed the shield back making me stumble backwards as I took the sword out and slashed his legs.

Luckily the netherite armour protected his legs as sword scratched his armour.

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