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Mary stood at the end of the bed with her teddy bear as she had the biggest smile on her face.

Sapnap woke up and looked over at Mary before looking back at me and realising the position we were in.

"Good morning princess." He said in that raspy deep morning voice and god was it hot.

"Don't even." I replied as I pushed him away as I got up, slightly missing his warm touch.

"See you at the festival gorgeous."

I gave Sapnap a glare before realising Mary was in the room. "See you handsome." I responded sarcastically.


I was wearing dark grey cargo pants that were low waist with a tight black long sleeve crop top.

Even though it wasn't the most festival outfit, it was cosy enough.

My hair was wavy and let loose that complimented the look a lot.

My sword was sitting on my belt that had a little spot just for my sword luckily.

Techno and Tommy were ahead of me talking and gossiping.

We were all going to meet some guy named Ranboo in the back of a cave.

No clue who he was but, oh well.

Essentially I was attending this festival alone since Techno and Tommy were going invisible as usual.

The only thing on my mind was last night, me and Sapnap spooning.

I was trying to push any feelings or comfort away yet I genuinely couldn't.


"Hm?" I looked up at the two men who were staring at me weirdly.

"Everything.. okay?"

"Yeah sorry was just thinking."

"Okay.. listen if you want to head off to the festival while we just talk with Ranboo." Tommy said to me.

Thank god.

I nodded in agreement and left to go to L'Manburg.

And as soon as I entered, I felt eyes piercing all around me.

I walked towards the young man wearing a suit.

"Hey Tubbo." I said cheerfully startling the boy.

"M-Marli? Hey.."

I could tell they all hated me currently after what happened with Techno.

"Listen I know you all hate me right now but I'm sorry. I did what I had to do and it's nothing personal."

It kinda was personal but I had to lie.

"Yeah well-" Quackity began before Tubbo interrupted him.

"I forgive you."

"What!?" They all shouted in unison.

The current people here was Fundy and Quackity, the people who hated me the most currently.

"Really?" I asked my cousin in disbelief.

"You're family so yeah I guess. But we're also planning to kill Dream during the festival, it's why we're even having a festival."

Quackity nudged Tubbo and hissed at him, insinuating not to tell me.

My eyes widened as I looked at the three, oh?

"Listen Marli- Y-Your brother is a bad person h-he-" Tubbo tried to reassure the reason.

"No I uh don't really care what you do I hate him just as much." I acted like they could even stand a chance against him.

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