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20 minutes, and I was walking aimlessly around the woods lost.

Where the fuck was this Pogtopia place.

''Does Dream know your out here?'' 

I abruptly turned around to see a dark figure leaning against a tree, flickering with a lighter.


''No, where's Tubbo?'' I ask him.

Wilbur hummed and put the lighter away and walked towards me. ''Why do you care?''

''Answer my question.''

He put his hands up in surrender and began to circle me. ''He's down in Pogtopia, the place I assume you were looking for.'' 

''Can I see him?''

''No, I don't think anybody down in Pogtopia would want to see your face. The face of a fighter from Manburg.''


''I just want to make sure he's okay-''

''He'll be fine. He wouldn't want to see your face anyways. You're not wanted anywhere near Pogtopia or it's members. Isn't it obvious with Niki the other day?''

He was there?

I began to think about what he said, it made sense, I wouldn't be wanted.

I'm back to fight for Manburg, not to help or try make friends with the other side.

Wilbur looked at me and said harshly. ''No hard feelings Marli, I'm sure Manburg absolutely love you.''

What a dick.

I went down to the kitchen after sneaking back into my room and changing into my pyjamas.

Sapnap was already sitting at the counter and eating grilled cheese, it seemed to be his midnight snack.

I went over to him and grabbed it out of his hand and took a bite, he stared at me which turned into a glare.

''What?'' I wiped my mouth and handed the sandwich back which he took and ate.

''I heard what happened today, are you alright?''

I hummed as I opened up the fridge and noticed it was refilled, somebody went hunting thank god. ''I'm fine, but I feel bad for Tubbo.''

''Why? It's war and he was a traitor''

''He's still a kid Sapnap.''

''Yeah a dumb one..'' He mumbled as he continued to eat.

I took out a yoghurt and some fruit then began to mix it together and eat. ''He's not dumb.''

''And you would know how?''

I opened my mouth yet quickly stopped myself from speaking, he can't know I'm friends with Tubbo and Tommy.

I ignored him and sat beside him, we sat in a comfortable silence and in our thoughts.

I didn't know what to think of this war, am I on the right side?

When my brother asked me to come back I never thought he'd be on the side which I disagree with.

From what I heard Pogtopia is only trying to get it's home back, and we're preventing that.

But then again are they the bad guys for wanting it back after it's been rebranded?



''Would you ever kill me?''

Sapnap looked at me and began to laugh thinking it was a joke, but when he realised I wasn't laughing he stopped. ''Of course not.''

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