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Sapnap wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

We kissed aggressively and roughly while fighting for dominance as we kissed.

We hungered for each others touch as I pressed my body against his and his hands explored my body.

I could feel the hatred we had for each other in our kiss which made the kiss more aggressive.

I dug my fingers into his hair as he glided his hands onto my hips and held them tightly.

We broke the kiss for air as our lips were redder while we looked at each other.

"You don't understand how long I've wanted to do that for." Sapnap said as he put his hand in the back of my neck.

"Shut up and kiss me." I mumbled through my heavy breathing as he pulled me into him as we kissed.

Yet the kiss was short lived as Sapnap was quickly tackled onto the ground.

"Dream!" I yelled as I watched Dream pin Sapnap to the ground with a very angry expression.

"What the fuck were you doing!? Kissing my sister!?" Dream shouted in the brunettes face.

"Get off him!" I yelled as I tried to pull my brother off yet he shoved me into the wall.

"I knew we were on bad terms Sapnap, but to go out and kiss my sister!?"

"Don't act like you care Dream, you tried to kill her multiple times!"

And suddenly Dream hit Sapnap a box across the face.

The two began to fight on the ground as I stared at the men fighting, not knowing what to do.

I heard heels running towards us and realised it was my mother.


"Boys!" She shouted and they immediately stopped and stared up at her. There was a group of people behind her staring in shock.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, fuck my life.

"What were you both thinking!?" My mother yelled downstairs at the two men.

It was the day after my mothers birthday and we were all back in Puffys house.

"He kissed her!"

"So you hit me?!"

"And I'll do it again." Dream said as he stood up.

I sat down on the stairs as I listened into the conversation from the kitchen.

"Dream sit back down." Puffy said sternly as I heard Dream slowly sit back down on the chair.

"You kissed my daughter?" My mother asked Sapnap.

"Yes." Sapnap responded.

"Are you out of your god damn mind!? Kissing my fucking daughter Sapnap!?"

I perked up as I listened to carefully for Sapnap's answer.

"I-" Sapnap begun before Dream scoffed and spoke up.

"This is useless anyways, Sapnap won't love her. He can't love her, we made a deal."

"That was before everything, Dream." Sapnap glared at Dream who was glaring back at him.

I rolled my eyes upon hearing the two argue before going back into my room and changing into black bottoms with a white tight crop top.

I put a flannel over myself before putting on my boots as I opened my window and snuck onto the wooden roof before jumping down into the snow.

I could not be bothered to listen to them.

maneater -reader oc x sapnap-Where stories live. Discover now