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''The rumours are true huh?'' A masculine voice spoke from behind us.

We both turned around to see Dream smiling as he put his axe against the doorframe.

''My baby!'' Puffy exclaimed as she went over to her son and hugged him tightly.

I watched them before looking at the axe Dream had placed down.

It was clean and shiny which was sorta strange for somebody like him.

Yet the more I examined it, I could see some.. dirt and blood?

Dream and Puffy began to make small talk about how everything was.

It was nice to hear them bond after a long time.

Suddenly I felt the stool slowly tip over as I tried to look closer at the axe.

But before I could fall I felt a pair of hands slither around my waist and sit me back up.

I turned to look at who had stopped me from falling and it was.. Sapnap?

We both stared at each other as he continued to hold me by my waist and his other hand was placed on the other side of the stool to keep it steady.

My breath quickened as I felt butterflies in my stomach forming and my cheeks began to heat up.

What why was I getting flustered, as if we weren't inches away from each others faces before.

He had such nice eyes as he stared into mine.

This time when we were close to each other he wasn't fuming with rage.

Instead he had a blank expression and his body language was more relaxed.

We both quickly snapped out of it as he cleared his throat and quickly moved away from me.

''Don't fall again idiot.'' Sapnap mumbled to me.

''I knew you would catch me.''

Sapnap rolled his eyes at me as he walked over to the counter and leaned against it.

''You know I was just making dinner, how does stew sound?'' Puffy asked as she looked at us all.

Sapnap and Dream groaned and Puffy looked offended which made me softly smile.

''Mom you come back from a long voyage and you want to eat stew, seriously?'' Dream asked.

''Wha- Okay fine what do you want to eat then?'' 

''Puffy can you make a roast dinner? They're really good.''

''I'll help you then mom. Sapnap and Marli can you both go and-'' Dream begun yet quickly stopped when he saw the two of us staring at him.

''Marli you get potatoes and other vegetables, Sapnap you get meat preferably steak and maybe chicken or pork.''

Of course I get the boring job.

Sapnap nodded as he got up and left to get some meat for the dinner.

I got up and used my crutch to leave the kitchen and make my way down to the garden.

I just hoped Dream would talk to his mom and somewhat explain how she was the main source to getting me out of here.

It was quite difficult to get the vegetables since I could only get on one knee to harvest the fresh crops.

Surprisingly even if it was November and close to December, there was a lot of vegetables in season.

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