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As we pulled out of the hug, Punz held me by my shoulders and wiped a tear I didn't know was shed.

"Come on it's too cold outside." Punz said as he softly smiled.

I slightly sniffed and nodded as I followed him back inside.

I was still distraught, but I had to hold it all together.

As we walked in I could see Dream and Puffy yelling at Rosaline and her mother.

"Marli I wouldn't-" Punz began as he tried to pull me away.

I ignored Punz and walked over to Rosaline who was screaming in Dreams face.

"Oh finally, Marli can you please take care of your-" Rosaline began upon seeing me.

And suddenly I gave her the hardest slap I could.

Everybody's eyes nearly popped out as they stared at me.

Rosaline glared at me as I saw a big red handprint on her face.

"Marli!" Puffy whisper yelled in my ear.

"Why you disgusting little!" Rosaline jumped on me as we both hit the floor and began to attack each other.

She held my throat tightly as I began to box her.

As I punched her, I broke her mask which fell to pieces.

Rosaline gasped as she slowly loosened her grip in shock.

I took this opportunity to throw her roughly to the side.

I pulled at her hair as she screamed in pain while others grabbed us to pull us apart.

Rosalines family held onto her and began to quickly treat her wounds or whatever I did to her.

While everybody else was with me in shock and disbelief while I licked the blood off my lips.

I slightly breathed heavily and smirked while watching her cry.

"You psycho bitch!" Rosalines mother yelled as she raised a hand to hit me.

Luckily Sapnap went in front of me and grabbed her hand quickly.

"Sapnap let go."

"You know what Betty? I'm calling off the wedding. I don't want to marry such a bitch like your daughter." Sapnap said sharply.

Betty's eyes widened as she stumbled for words. "Y-You can't do that! Dream tell him something!"

"If he refuses to marry her, then he refuses." Dream said as he faced them.

Betty clenched her teeth as she looked over to the guards standing beside a door. "Guards, kill Foolish."

"W-What!?" Puffy yelled as she looked over at who I assumed was Foolish.

Foolish was a shark totem species and was extremely tall.

I watched my mouth agape as Antfrost walked over to Foolish with a sword out.

Oh my god.

Puffy quickly ran over and attempted to pull the sword off Antfrost, yet he shoved her onto the ground.

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