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I didn't open the letter that was sat on my bed, instead I left it on my desk before going to bed.

Yet my rest was short lived as somebody began to vigorously shake me.

I slowly opened my eyes to see who it was and looked at my brother looking smug.

I groaned as I turned over to the other side and tried to sleep. ''Go away Punz.''

''Rise and shine sleeping beauty.'' Punz opened the curtains which let the sun shine right in.

Was it morning already?

The suns rays hit my face and I covered my face with my pillow. ''What do you want.'' I mumbled through the pillow.

''We're gonna see how your training is then Tubbo is giving you a tour of Manburg.''

The small brunette?

''Get up.''

When I didn't respond Punz threw himself right on top of me making me unable to breathe.

''Punz get the fuck off!'' I threw the pillow away and tried to push him off.

''So you aren't dead.''

''I will be if you don't fucking move!'

Punz gasped and started to sniff as I looked at him weirdly. ''A-Are you calling me fat?''

I rolled my eyes and eventually pushed him off me as he laughed.

''You're an idiot.''

''A hot idiot.''

''Mhm a hot one with no bitches.''

I grinned as Punz glared at me while I got up.

''You little-'' And suddenly again I was tackled down to the ground.

We made a loud crash hitting the floor as we began to fight each other.

Loud footsteps were heard running through the halls and my door was slammed open.

We both looked up at the people standing at the door to see George, Badboyhalo and Sapnap standing there.

''Fucking hell-''

''Language!'' Badboyhalo hit Sapnap's arm lightly as George chuckled.

''What the fu- heck happened here?!''

I cleared my throat and glared at Punz who was smirking.


''I said he got no bitches and he attacked me.''

George and Sapnap began to laugh while Bad looked disappointed.

''Punz I asked you to bring her down not attack her!''

''I tried too, she's difficult alright!''

I hit him over the back of his head and Bad yelled at me making me smile.

''Both of you downstairs, now!''

Punz got up and offered his hand out to me which I slapped away and got up on my own.


Bad pushed everybody out of the room and looked over to me. ''Get dressed and be down in a bit please?''

I nodded as he closed the door and I heard him yell at the others making me chuckle.

The letter was still sitting on my desk as I looked over at it, I'll open it later.

I got changed into black cargo bottoms and an army green long sleeve tight top with straps.

I put on my combat boots and tied my hair into a low messy bun, then placed my sword into sheath of my belt.

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