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Sapnap and I watched the teenagers climb up a large mountain, Dream wants to meet them here?

I furrowed my brows as I looked at the rocky mountain while Sapnap tied the boat to a rock before reaching his hand out to help me.

I took his hand and hopped out of the boat and onto the rocks.

"Sure is isolated.." I mumbled as I slowly began to climb the sharp rocks.

They were stable and had a clear path to climb on thanks to the two teenagers yet it was also fairly dangerous.

Sapnap followed up behind me and I made sure we went slow so the two wouldn't see us.

As I climbed up the rocks, I suddenly slipped slightly and fell down to where Sapnap held me up.

If it wasn't for him I'd be mush from the rocks at the bottom.

"You alright angel?"

I nodded as he pushed me back up onto the rocks properly so I wouldn't fall.

Eventually we got to a small ledge we both sat on as we watched the sunrise.

It was beautiful as the sky illuminated pink and orange.

So pretty.

I zoned out as I watched the sun slowly come up and the colours coming with it.

Yet Sapnap stood up and offered his hand, signing we should go.

I grabbed his hand as he lifted me up and we continued to climb the annoying rocks.

Me and Sapnap sat behind a large rock as we watched Tommy, Tubbo and Dream aggressively fight for the discs.

They were all wearing full shining netherite and attempting to get up to a pillar where the disc was playing in a jukebox.

"This has been going on for years. This was part of the reason why all the wars started." Sapnap said with an annoyed tone.

"Seriously?" I asked the brunette who nodded in response.

Jesus Christ.

I turned around and leaned against the rock as I sat down facing the sun and sea.

Sapnap soon joined me as he shifted himself closer to me.

I leaned my head on Sapnap's shoulder while sighing in relief, I felt so safe.

He picked up a small daisy and handed it to me, to which I took and began to spin it around.

"Do you remember when I would make daisy crowns for you and Punz? You guys acted like you hated them but always allowed me to put them on you." I said with a chuckle.

Sapnap smiled and watched me fiddle with the daisy. "Yeah, I do."


"Sapnap! I made you a crown!" I said with a happy tone as I ran up to Sapnap.

"Ew flower crowns are for babies." Sapnap rolled his eyes.

I was about 5 Sapnap was 7.

We were in front of me and Punz's house and they were both playing with skateboards.

I was no good at skateboarding so instead I made flower crowns.

I pouted and crossed my arms to which made Punz nudge Sapnap to take the flower crown.

Sapnap groaned and took it off me which instantly made me smile as he reluctantly put it on his head.

"Awh yay! You look fabulous!" I said with a joyful tone and hugged him before running off to make more.

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