𝚁𝚒𝚜𝚔𝚢 𝙱𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜 | 𝙱𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚛𝚘𝚟𝚎 | 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜

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"Yooo! Beast! Beast!" Teens cheered and threw fists at the boy chugging a new bottle of beer. You walk through the open door, Billy had drunkenly called you. He then begged you to meet him at this party. You agreed because you knew you weren't doing anything anyway. And you were always up for anything. Anything to do with him.

You cringe at the scene. His eyes find you in the crowd. "Y/N!!" Billy cheers, smashing the last bottle to the ground, and grabbing you. "This is my girlfriennnd! Major steal!! Make me feel importannntt!" you blush to the eyes all glued to you. "Yeah, you're hammered. How long are you planning to drink?" you ask, worryingly. "I'm the beasttt, don't worry about me one bit- Get a drink-- stay a whilee.!" You make a concerned face. "How many have you had.. Like a lot normal or a lot by Billy's standards?" He grabs your face and kisses you passionately.

You heard the 'ooooo's in the crowd. Once he pulls back he grabs your arm and pulls it up with a cheer. "MY GIRLFRIENDDDD!" You blush, and pull him down by his jacket. "I'm getting you water and you're gonna drink it." you let go and walk off, only for him to grab you and pull you back into him. "Nono- I'm finnneee- get a drinkk- I wannnaa seee you drunkkk." you two never drank together. You always let him have his fun, and try to limit the hangover the next day. But you never took a sip.

At a young age, you were diagnosed with clinical Depression. You were prescribed higher and higher doses of medication throughout the years. Even now, you took more than you needed to. But that only raised the risk, if you drank any alcohol it could be near fatal. The drugs in the pills didn't mix well with the alcohol. You never told Billy you were on medication, or that you ever felt that way. You loved your fun time laughter love with him.

No matter how terrible you felt sometimes, you wouldn't dump it on him. You promised yourself, for him. So he wouldn't think of you differently.

"You need a driver, Billy, I got enough thumbs to do it." you excuse, backing up and going to get water for him, but he wouldn't let you go. "Babbbyy, come on-" "Your gonna die tomorrow, just drink some goddamn water man!" you argue, "So worrryyy- Iii know you Ll-LlOve me- but get a drinkkk I can handddle it." You look at the boy next to you.

"You! Get him some water. Do it and these are yours." you hold up a pack of unopened cigarettes. His eyes go wide before he runs off to the kitchen. Billy grabs your waist and takes off your tinted glasses. "Drinkkkk with mee.!" You hold out your hand for the boy, he delivers the cup. You throw the pack to his chest. "drink this." you try to hand him the cup. He pouts, "Noo- I'm not some lighty weight-" You blow a raspberry and push the cup into his chest.

"Now Billy! Drink it! Please!"
You pulled out the P word.
He grabs a drink from behind him, "drinkk this and I will." you look at the red cup. "Billy- just Drink this. Seriously. I'm worried. Not happy face- sad not very good face. You have work tomorrow! Drink the wateerrr..." you say it slower at the end like he wouldn't understand English.

"Nott unless you drink thisss! Finall! BEAST!" He shouts. "I'm not lossingg this.." he finishes. You look at the cup in his hand, and the one in yours. His family had a very low income. They barely made ends meet. He needed that job. You grab the cup from his hands and drink it. "WWWWOOO!!" He cheers. "Drink it slowly!" he listens and drinks the water. "Good.." you smile.

You hum and step back. You knew it couldn't affect you that fast but it was the dread that got to you first.
Until it did hit. Much faster than you thought.
Your hands shook, that's when you started taking steps back and making your way out. The room got windy and loopy, you held the door frame as you stumbled out.

The voice calling out to you seemed much more distant until he grabbed your hand. "Just- asecond- second please.." "Your-hands are boiling-" You felt the whole world go dim as your body fell. Billy caught your fall and held you at the bottom of the door stairs. "Y/N! Y-n!"

Beep Beep
Your body felt like it was cold as ice. You almost flinched at it, like you were thrown in a freezing lake.
"She's still shaking!" "There's not much I can do, Her body is fighting the ingredients in the-" "JUST GET THE HELL OUT!" "No- No- You listen here. I've been her doctor since she was 7. She has never broken this rule till now. With you. Her antidepressants cannot be ingested or combined with ANY alcohol. Especially at her high dosage." Silence filled the room. "What?"

"She must've been too shy to tell an asshole like you- but since 6 years old she has been on high rendering drugs for her clinical depression. Her health has always been off since birth but I will not let my earliest patient die because of her degenerate BOYFRIEND!" You felt his grip on you tighten.

"It's my bad doc.." you stumble over your words as your eyes sting opening. "I should've known- I just forgot." you lie, "you could have died. I know better it was him wasn't it?" "nope- he visited-" "he brought you here honey." "Oh." "I'll.. Leave." your doctor takes her clipboard and walks out with a pout. "What the fuck." Billy began.

"You're depressed?"
"No- no that's just a fancy word-" you Lean up, wincing at the pain in your waist. He pushes you back down. "Why didn't you tell me?! Why the fuck would you care more about my hangover than your life?!" "Your job!" you argue. "My job? My stupid lifeguard one? Are you serious?! y/n you're so much more important than a fucking job." "I don't pay the bills, that does!" "Shut the fuck up! Do you hear yourself?! You don't tell me you're depressed you don't tell me about your pills- about-" "Because who wants that?!"

"You almost died!!" "People die every day!" the moment you said it you knew you shouldn't have. "I didn't tell you because- when I'm on my pills I can do whatever I want. But when I'm not I- just- I didn't want you to have to go through what my aunt did. She didn't deserve dealing with a 7-year-old high-needs kid, and neither do you- we'll I'm like 17 now but.."

"Y/n- You- I- Love you. You risked death just to get me to drink a fucking sip of water, I- I'm so sorry. I won't make you go to any of those stupid parties again, I promise- just never do this ever again- ever. Let me just- listen. And help. Like you always do."
"We can switch Jobs. And I'll help you."
"Ok-okay we can try that." you smile.
Billy leans his head into your lap and hugs your waist.

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