𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 | 𝙼𝚒𝚐𝚞𝚎𝚕 𝙾' 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚊 | 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚅𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚎

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Peter handed Y/n a fry, picking it from his daughter's happy meal. Y/n's glitching hands took it from him, "Can you actually eat that or?" He studied the shapes and colors blocking the sight of her face. "I can try." Her voice was split into tens, almost like every fraction of her in the multiverse was stuck in the same body. As she stuck the fry to what he assumed must've been where her mouth was hidden, it too changed into a glitching mess before appearing a mile away, falling down the abyss of the spider society's headquarters. Peter winced. Y/n crossed her legs, before leaning her chin on her palm. "It's fine, I probably didn't even like fries." Peter fed another one to his daughter, who sat between the two. Her head now leaning on Y/n's knee. "What? Who doesn't like fries?" The view of the two made Peter smile, but he saw the problem here. "What do you remember? About before?" Y/n shrugged, "Bits and pieces really. Sometimes they're triggered by actions- or something like that." Peter nodded, "Your family? Do you remember any of them?" She closed her eyes, "I don't think I want to remember them. Their pieces so far aren't very promising- But I remember loving rainy days." She clicked at him.

He studied her raincoat and boot set. Her hood was up, almost framing her glitchy mask covering her identity. One that no one seemed to remember. She never took it off, he saw her nap with it in the Spider HQ all the time. Which reminded him of her knack to sleep in dangerous places, like under desks in wire piles, or more recently- Raftors. Miguel would always just web her to the thing to keep her from falling when she slept, It ended up looking like she was some prey caught for his lunch later in his office. The two were close, everyone noticed it. She brought out something in the stone-cold man they had never seen before. Even if it took months of him chasing her down, she still stood by his side every late night. It was strange how well they fit together, but Peter couldn't stop thinking about it. Has Miguel known anything about Y/n's past? Was she telling him anything he heard now?

"Sorry about that. You sure you're not a spider? We got plenty of that going around." She laughed, "No, I think I worked at Alchemax." She looked up at the array of webs in the building. "What?" This was new. This was very new. "I wore a white jacket with a pen stain on the collar. My phone was too big to fit in my top pocket- and my wallpaper was a raccoon I found in my trashcan." "Wait- About your job-" "What about it?" Peter turned to the glitching girl, "The collider, maybe your universe had a collider. Maybe that's why your atoms aren't disintegrating at everyone else's rate!" She shook her head, "Listen, for some reason because you're a dad I'm a bit more inclined to tell you. Before I forgot everything- I saw the violet wave." The violet wave. What they called the wipe of a dimension. The last thing that emptied out the people of crashed realities. "But- That can't be right- If you did.." "I wouldn't be here, I know." She sighed.

"Y/n- If you're here- maybe we can still help the others in your dimension- We have to talk to Miguel about this." "My DNA isn't trackable- The go-home machine doesn't work on me. There's nothing left to save. I did the statistics on this, Peter. There is no home for me to go to anymore. And from what I've seen... Maybe that's the best for me." Peter shook his head, "I don't understand-" "I started altering my day pass to freeze my memories." His eyes widened, "WHAT?! You- You're messing with Miguel's tech?! Do you know how dangerous that is?" He grabbed her shoulders, "I'm already disintegrating- come on Peter. It wasn't even that hard- his technology is way easier to edit than... something.." She cut herself off, "Something that doesn't matter because I don't need to remember it." Y/n straightened herself. "You can't just drop that on me and expect me not to tell Miguel- I mean come on Y/n- I thought you guys were.. I thought you guys were close." She chewed on the inside of her cheek. "We.. Are- Close." Peter crossed his arms. "So close you're not telling him anything you're telling me right now?" He pinches the crook of his nose, "I'll kill you if you mention this to anyone. But he's stretched thin, he doesn't sleep enough. He's taking those suppressants- he does not need to know about any of this- okay?" Her voice turned stern, he had never heard it like this before. "But.. That's not your choice."

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