𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚑 | 𝙱𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚛𝚘𝚟𝚎 | 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜

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You rush up your creaky steps, with 8 balanced bowls full of milk in hand. With a light kick, you close your door and quickly place the bowls. A dozen of little pitbull puppies all run to its contents. "That's right, eat all them nutrients I stacked in there." you smile, and go to their mother, who is smiling.

You pet and nuzzle her furr. "Oh, good ol girl- you're such a good mom." she licks your face with pleasure. You lay with her and watch the puppies feast with tail wags. If you had a tail, it'd be wagging right now for sure. A hand on your chin and a goofy smile.

Until a knock.
You turn your head and pet your furry friend. "Be right back..." You peek down the stairs and open the door.
Beat up, bruised, and bleeding.
"I uh- saw your car."
You blush in surprise, you pull him in and kick the door close behind him. Letting it lock on its own. "Sit down-!" you rush to grab a white box from your kitchen drawers. You rush back to see him looking around in the same seat. You gulp and switch all the lights on in the living room.

"I uh, don't come down here a lot.." you confess, opening the box and dipping some alcohol. "Nice room, Why haven't I seen it before?" "you know the rodeo." you had stitched him up many times before, in his car, at work.
But you never took him to your house.
There was a reason.
Why your boyfriend hadn't met your parents or even seen your bedroom?

He winces a bit to the sting, hissing his teeth. Billy grabs your hand. "Hey- I'm trying to conduct business here." you tilt his head the other way to see all the damage. "I'm- really sorry. I don't give out pity, I hope you know that. You should not have to deal with that- Fucking Asshole ever again!" you fume, he smirks. Seeing you all protective was a little bit of a turn-on, and a bit new.

"That asshole rules the roof I live under. It doesn't matter he's a dick," you remember the first time you talked about this. He flared on you and didn't want any pity. You wanted to tell him so badly that you understood. But instead, you played a different part, an unknowing girlfriend. He didn't need the extra load.

"Well.." your fingers wander the box, until popping up with a colorful band-aid. "I got some new band-aids! What about it? Perfect time!" his face falls to a scowl. "Come on, they got dragons on them. They're cool as hell." his face doesn't change. You unfold one and slowly put it on his cut. Your smile wasn't changing either.
Billy smiles back for a moment.

"You do like the dragons, I saw that smile, can't trick me." You cup his cheek. "Please be safe. Like with a bat or something.." he saw your eyes.
"It's complicated." you nod, "I get that. But I'm not. So call me when you need something." He laughs, "Are you sure you're so simple?" he kisses your hand. "Open book. Probably." "Really?" "Sure." "Where's your parents?"

All the color leaves your face. Very noticeably.
A shriek interrupts the moment. Billy jumps, "Someone's up there." he rushes up the stairs, but you quickly run in front of him, arms out. "Just stay on the couch for a second! I got it! Don't need to play Knight right now. Hehe.." Billy furrows his brows and moves past you.

His eyes land on your room.
The puppies.
You rush up with him. "You're- hiding puppies..?" you wave your hands before hearing another yelp. You grab a baby bottle and lift up the runt. He relaxes in your palm and drinks the formula on command. "My parents- my aunt is out usually." you begin. Billy sits in front of you on the floor. You let the pup finish the bottle before placing it with the mother.

"So a week ago I found this pregnant pitbull- and I took her in and she just needed help...! Every girl should be with her mom, right? Well- puppies with- mom- you get it." You reach into the net and grab a pup. "He's the alpha- if alphas were real- but he runs the pack." you hand him gently to your boyfriend who couldn't take his eyes off you nurturing a pup family.

"Is this why you never invited me here?" he pets the playful pup in his lap. You blush and pick your nails. "I- got some stuff going on.. Nothing big." you smile nervously. Billy looks up, but his eyes land on the bottle behind you.
Prescription Antidepressants.

His heart sank.
"What the fuck?"
You look behind you, "What are those?"
All your secrets were unrolling all at once.
But it was time.
You guessed.
You loved this boy. And he told you he loved you.
So why not?

"I've been on them since I was 7," you speak up and grab a puppy to cradle. "What?" "My depression started really early. The older I got it grew with me. My parents- Left me with my aunt. She works as a surgeon at Urgent Care. She usually stops by twice a week." you confess, "I- didn't tell you because- I thought you might need a safe girlfriend to help you, not an extra load."

"The puppies are- I think- I'm trying to give them what I lost. And now all I can do is protect them and make sure the family stays together- and feed them- and-" Tears fell down your cheeks. Billy's eyes widened to your words but hugged you tight nevertheless.

"I don't play it safe. And neither do you." He hugged you so tight you almost couldn't breathe. "Your family doesn't deserve shit. They left you- just because you were different? What fucking shitheads- You don't need them- your better than that your better than them-!" You just held him tighter, tears falling on the pups below you.

One reaches up and licks the tears, and Billy smiles. "See, he agrees." you scoop the puppies and slide them to their mother. You watch them snuggle, with a sad smile. Billy watches, and picks you up, "are you going to show me around the place or what?" you cringe "Don't see why not." he wipes your tears with his thumb.

You sluggishly show him the kitchen. "You cook?" you slide open a drawer, showing a cookbook. "I'm a man of many talents." you commend, He watches with a smirk. You crack open your aunt's room. "Does she even sleep in here?" "I clean it every morning. Not that it needs it. She doesn't know I have those guys." you look over to your room. "What does she know?"

"To refill my prescriptions." you shrug, "So, you're home alone all the time?" your cheeks tinge a blush, "Uh- yeah. I kinda thought you'd think it's Sad." he pulls you in with a bear hug. You hug back lovingly, "What's sad is the wasted opportunities." you look up. "No supervision, no parents, no interruptions." you blush at his words and smirk.

"Are we having a sleepover?" you ask, tilting your head. "Of course doll face." "Hang on." he follows you to your room, where you search your drawers for some pajamas. "I think you're too ripped for like anything we own.." He laughs, "That's fine, I'll just strip." You blush and huff. "The puppies aren't ready for the sight, metro man." He blushes a little and continues to undone until he is in his boxers, you slide on a different shirt and shorts. Billy leans on the bed, watching you change.

He grabs your waist and pulls you in for a kiss. You accept it and mess with his curls. When you break you tilt his head again to look at the cuts. "You worry too much, doll." "Eh, I'd say I worry just enough." He smirks and pushes you onto the bed. You crash and fall under the covers, he joins you.

With a tug on his end you against his chest. "Hey, Billy?" "Hm?" "You should stay here a while. I have an extra cot. Max can have the spare room. You shouldn't have to deal with anything." You shove your face into his neck. He pets your hair, "that- that sounds nice." He kisses your head, before listening to your breathing slowen.

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