𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚕𝚢 | 𝚃𝚘𝚖 𝙻𝚞𝚌𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚛 | 𝚂𝚅𝚃𝙵𝙾𝙴

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Corks and screws were thrown from the desk, nothing out of the usual for the darkly lit room. Or better known as Y/n's lab. Spray paint cans, empty and full littered the room, dark stains and suspicious liquids followed suit. It looked as if the FDA rule book was thrown up there. But she didn't mind. She didn't seem to, with all the time she spent locked in the room.

That's why Tom decided to take the party to her this time instead. She was able to recognize his knock, as he had done so many times before. She swung her chair to the door, snapping open the many locks she installed on its hinges. To reveal her favorite demon, "Do you really need that many locks? Your room is full of murder weapons. And aren't you an interdimensional outlaw?" Y/n shrugs. "Can never be too cautious. I mean look at the goods in here." They both turn to the dark room. "Yeah, I think the spray cans are gonna be fine." Tom steps in, "What are you making now?"

He studies the machine on her desk."Nothing important." His eyes fall to the floor, full of scattered bent nails and tacks. "Maybe you need a break. Star and Marco's favorite taco place finally finished rebuilding." Y/n sighs, "okay." At least it was an answer, close to a yes. He wasn't sure how long it had been since she left the lab, he usually made sure to visit often but he had a meeting with a few town counselors in hell. She quickly locks the door behind her. "Okay- seriously if it's that big of a deal I can send some demon to mark the place."

"My locks work great. You're crazy." She walks past him, sliding down the stairs of the apartment. "Out of all the new real estate, I can't believe you chose this place." Tom sighed, ever since magic was destroyed and the dimensions clashed together everything had changed. At least for the people up here, Mewmans, monsters, and humans were all at odds. Especially without dimensional borders, it was hectic. "Only place without windows." She shrugs again, as he catches up. "What? Don't like the view?" it was to be described as organized chaos out there. "You know I could always set you up with a place in hell. It won't even be hot for you- because y'know."

Y/n was one of the displaced persons from the dimensional crash. And with that, she found her way home. Getting lost and thrown into another dimension at 9, the only one to be thrown back home, just not the one she remembered. But she supposed she changed just as much. Y/n has gotten hurt, and she was never the same. Something infested her core, something foul and destructive. Something she couldn't hide.
But things became manageable. She took daily elixirs from Mewni pharmacies and was able to make something from her disability. Though it reacted to her emotions, she began to make light of the strange changes. The most noticeable being the black marks and two black ears resembling a rabbit. That was unexpected, but she realized it shifted with her own ideals. Eventually, she had gotten used to it. Not nearly enough for these words to pass through her.

"Hmhm." She hums, quickening the pace. Their hands were deep in her pockets, fiddling with a spare screw. "Hey, I didn't mean-" "We're here." They stop in front of the drive-in. "Janna." Y/n's face brightened, she had a ginormous soft spot for the weird girl. "Oh hey. Look- they already banned me from this place too." She looks at the wall, but only one photo is stuck. "Wow." "Marco and Star got a table." The group finds the couple before sitting down. "Hey guys!" Y/n flicks a crumb off the table. "Woah what are you doing here?" She faces her ex. "Rude. Why wouldn't I be here?" Tom begins to make a face, "What are you talking about- Hell's political junk is off the rail right now." "Whatever they can handle it."

Y/n's face grew red, he had ditched his duties for her. To get her out of her dark lab. Her ears cower, "You should go." She begins, "I mean- I gotta go." Y/n stands up. "Do something.." The group looks at her. "What? No, you just got here! Hell's fine. Let's just- hang out." Tom grabs your wrist. His words were desperate. Her face turned brighter. "Just go do your job- And I'll do mine!" She shakes him off, before walking the other way. Face still as red as a tomato. "Hey!- Wait!" Tom catches up, stomping the ground with his boot. Fire roars from the crack and throws Y/n into his arms. "Woah- wait- are you okay?"

He had never seen her like this, so upset. She pushes him off. Her face began to lose its red tint, "You don't- I'm not your responsibility. Your kingdom is." Y/n said. "What? Is that what this is about? I'm allowed to care about you. I do kingdom stuff all the time." She wants to sigh, "You know that right?" Her eyes felt wrong, she was embarrassed. Y/n was the inconvenient child Tom had to care for. "When you become king what will that make me? A bigger inconvenience? You've got things to do- and I- I just shouldn't get in the way of that." Y/n struggles through the sentence. "Why does it matter that I'm a prince?! Is it- weird?" She shakes her head, "No- I'm just.. I don't wanna be- a problem anymore. You're busy. And I- I should be forcing myself out of my lab. Right?" Tom frowns, "You're not a problem to me. You're never a problem to me. Just because I'm a prince- doesn't mean I-  don't like you." He confesses.

"What?" "Y/n- I don't know your last name- I like you- a lot." Her face grows red once again, but not for the same reasons. She quickly tries to wipe it off, like a deer in headlights. "Uhm- thank you. I- like you too." She says quietly, he hadn't seen her flustered before but enjoyed the sight much more than he thought he would. Tom smiles, "You'll be a queen." She glances up at his words, "When I'm king- you'll be queen- that's what you'll be."

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