Chapter 1

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Pruitt Herrera, Captain of Station 19, had made the decision before he died to promote his daughter, Andrea Herrera, called Andy by all, as the second lieutenant of the station. Ever since she started working at Station 19, Andy had been on some kind of relationship with the station's other Lieutenant, Jack Gibson. She always said that between them it was just fun because she would never get married and never have children. Jack agreed at first, but that wasn't enough for him anymore and he wanted to take the next step with Andy, but after she turned down the offer, their relationship ended too. Since her relationship with Jack wasn't serious, Andy often had sex with her neighbor and friend she grew up with. Ryan has always been in love with Andy, but she hasn't. Ryan didn't care if Andy wasn't in love with him and he was fine when she showed up at his house just to have sex. Ryan and Andy then stopped seeing each other when he left for San Diego to start a new career in police. The day Pruitt gave Andy the promotion, he also told her that a new person was coming soon to take his place as Captain. That person was Robert Sullivan. Everyone had heard of him, he was a very good firefighter even though he was very grumpy and was no friend of anyone. Robert's only friend was Lucas Ripley, Battalion Chief who had the office at Station 19, the only person who could handle Robert's grumpy behavior. Pruitt wanted the best for station 19 and had done everything he could to get Robert Sullivan to 19. Everyone had welcomed the new captain except one person, Andy. She just couldn't like him and it was mutual. Andy and Robert spent most of their time arguing over even the most mundane things and often the rest of the team found it very funny. Whenever it was Andy's turn to prepare lunch at the station for everyone, she and Robert argued and again it happened.

Robert: "You haven't really learned since the last time, have you?"

Andy: "Ahhh, why don't you let me cook in peace? You're bothering me"

Robert: "I just make sure you don't poison anyone on my team" Andy rolled her eyes. "And you should cook something lighter for lunch otherwise you will fall asleep after lunch"

Andy: "No one has ever fallen asleep and I cook whatever I want"

Robert: "You're not cooking, you're just reheating precooked food"

Andy: "So what? I do what I want"

Robert: "I won't eat that stuff"

Andy: "Do as you please, I don't care what you do"

Travis and Vic had heard Andy and Robert arguing so they almost ran into the kitchen so as not to miss yet another fight over lunch.

Robert: "You should learn to cook real food"

Andy: "If you don't like what I do, then you cook" she said, pointing her finger menacingly at Robert.

Robert: "I'm the Captain, so I don't cook"

Andy: "If you don't cook then you don't have the right to criticize what I do every time"

Robert: "I only criticize you because I don't want you to put my team's health at risk" Andy shook her head.

Andy: "Are you leaving? You're bothering me"

Robert was about to answer, but Luke called him into his office. As soon as he walked away, Andy breathed a sigh of relief.

Andy: "How I hate him!" Vic and Travis laughed. "And you two stop laughing, it's not funny. It gets on my nerves when he does this"

Travis: "So.. always" Andy nodded.

Vic: "Will you stop arguing sooner or later?"

Andy: "I don't think so" she replied with a shrug. "Anyway, lunch is ready. Could one of you go tell Ripley and Sullivan too? I would go, but I don't want to argue yet"

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