Chapter 55

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Andy: "First we wanted to thank you for coming here today" she said with a smile. "These two little babies will be very lucky when they're born to have amazing uncles and aunts like you. They will be lucky to have two amazing grandmothers and they will also have three cousins as you like who will teach them so many things" she said as some tears streamed down her face and Robert very sweetly wiped away those tears.

Robert: "We kept you waiting all these days keeping this secret, but now it's time to reveal that our babies will be.." Andy and Robert slowly lifted the lid of the box revealing the color of the balloons to be white.

Seeing the white balloons, everyone was shocked as Andy, Robert, Elena and Eleonor laughed. At that point Eleonor let Lilli into the house who had attached a pink balloon and a blue balloon to her collar and her puppy as soon as she entered the house, she started running everywhere.

Emily: "Yeah, ok, you had fun. But now will you tell us the gender of the twins?"

Robert: "Lilli has two balloons, so.."

Vic: "Are they a boy and a girl?"

Andy: "Yes" she replied with a huge smile as Robert hugged her from behind and their hands were clasped on Andy's belly.

Everyone was very happy indeed and the nephews of Andy and Robert came to them so as to stroke aunt Andy's belly. The three children played together with Lilli while the others took turns approaching Andy and Robert telling them how happy they were that the babies would be a boy and a girl.

Travis: "So who won the bet?"

Andy: "Me and Robert"

Travis: "But you cheated"

Andy: "It was you who wanted us to make the bet too. So Robert and I won"

Travis: "It's not valid, it's not fair" Andy started crying and Noah noticed it.

Noah: "Why is aunt Andy crying? Who was mean to her?" Robert pointed out Travis and the boy approached him. "You know you don't have to be mean to aunt Andy? If she's sad, then both of them are sad too" he said placing his little hands on aunt Andy's belly.

Travis: "Okay, okay, I get it. They take all the money we bet"

Andy: "And we're going to the luna park tomorrow" she said turning to Noah.

Noah: "Really?"

Andy: "Yeah. Tell that to Chloe and Thomas too" Noah nodded and then went to tell his sister and his brother.

Emily: "That was always your intention, wasn't it?"

Andy: "It was Robert's idea" she replied smiling.

Robert: "So you and William have the day off tomorrow"

William: "We should make bets more often if this is the result" everyone laughed.

Ben: "Have you thought about the nursery yet?"

Robert: "Yes and it's almost ready. Last weekend Andy and I decorated our children's room"

Eleonor: "And she is really very beautiful"

Emily: "Have you seen her yet?" Eleanor nodded.

Eleonor: "Yes, they sent us the photos and then when Elena and I first came here, we peeked"

Elena: "And we can't wait to see her properly"

Andy: "Do you want to see it now?"

All: "Yes" they answered together.

Andy and Robert then walked everyone into what would have been their children's room and everyone was blown away. The color of the wall was beige and on one of the walls, they had stickers in the shape of teddy bears. The cradle was larger than normal because it would have held both babies and on one side there was a pink blanket with one of the soft toys on it that the children had given for their little cousin, while on the other side there was the same soft toy but the blanket was light blue. Above a shelf they had placed the other soft toys that the uncles and aunts had given to their nephews and then above the rocking chair, temporarily, Andy had placed the two teddy bears dressed as firefighters that had been given by uncle Luke.

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