Chapter 30

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Since Robert hadn't slept much during the night because the sofa was uncomfortable, the next morning, before everyone woke up, he cooked breakfast for everyone. After making breakfast he went to Andy's room where she and Noah were still sleeping and Noah was cuddling up to Andy. Seeing them together, Robert smiled and then approached Andy. When Andy felt Robert sit down on the bed next to her, she started to open her eyes and tried to get closer to Robert, but when Noah felt her move he woke up.

Noah: "Good morning Aunt Andy" he said rubbing his eyes.

Andy: "Good morning and happy birthday" she replied giving many small kisses on Noah's face.

Noah: "Thank you aunt, I love you so much" she said giving a big kiss on the cheek to Andy.

Andy: "Me too"

Robert: "Happy birthday little monster" he said picking up the baby.

Noah: "Thank you Uncle Sully" he replied hugging Robert. "But why are you here? It's still my time to be alone with Aunt Andy"

Robert: "No, that time is over. It's morning, you've just woken up, so your day alone with Aunt Andy is over. Now it's my turn to be with her"

Noah: "No, I decide when the time runs out. Today is my birthday and I want to be with her again"

Robert: "No, it's my turn"

Robert and Noah started arguing like they always did and didn't even notice that Andy got out of bed and left the room. Meanwhile the others had also woken up and were all going to have breakfast.

Andy: "Good morning mom" she said smiling.

Elena: "Good morning honey. Did you sleep well?"

Andy: "Yes" she answered smiling. "Good morning Eleanor"

Eleanor: "Good morning dear. Robert and Noah?"

Andy: "I'm in the room discussing which of the two should be with me today" she replied shaking her head. "Noah is a child and Robert acts like a child too" Eleonor and Elena laughed. "Noah will be very happy when he sees all these decorations for his birthday"

Eleonor: "Yes, we worked very hard last night to sort everything out" then Chloe and Thomas arrived for breakfast. "Good morning, did you sleep well?"

Chloe: "Yes" she replied as she sat down at the table.

Thomas: "Good morning. Where is Noah?"

Eleanor: "Guess?"

Thomas: "With uncle Sully" Eleonor nodded and Andy sat down between the two children and they started having breakfast.

After a few minutes William also joined them while Emily went to Robert and Noah.

Emily: "What are you still doing here?"

Noah: "Uncle Sully wants to be with Aunt Andy, but I still want to be with her"

Emily: "Did you notice that Andy is not there?" Robert and Noah shook their heads. "Noah, your brothers are staying downstairs to have breakfast with you and wish you a happy birthday"

Noah: "Ok, I'll go to them"

Emily: "Come here first" she said, leaning down to pick up her son. "Happy birthday" she said giving him a big kiss on the cheek.

Noah: "Thank you mommy" he said giving her a big kiss on the cheek. "Can I go to my sibling and aunt Andy now?"

Emily: "Yes, go" as soon as the boy walked away, Emily turned to Robert. "You are just a child"

Robert: "Hey, your son was with Andy all day yesterday and I couldn't even get near her"

Emily: "Are you jealous of Noah?"

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