Chapter 51

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Andy, Robert and Noah were in the kitchen as they kept talking about Chloe's birthday and the rest of the team started arriving. At one point, however, Noah innocently said something that he left everyone speechless.

Noah: "Chloe said she wants to celebrate her birthday in pajamas like we did when you and uncle Sully got married. In the morning she will celebrate at school with her new classmates, but then we will celebrate when she comes home and so I will give her my gift"

Andy: "Sounds like a really good idea to me" she said smiling at the boy and she didn't realize that everyone else had heard.

Vic: "Noah just said you got married?" she asked almost in shock.

Andy: "Oh, did you hear?" Vic nodded.

Vic: "So it's true?" Andy nodded and felt some tears coming out of her eyes. "When did it happen? Why didn't you tell us?" she asked very curious and at that point Andy started crying.

Noah: "Sorry aunt Andy, I didn't mean to say that" he said placing his small hands on her face to wipe away the tears that were flowing.

Andy: "Don't worry, it's okay" she replied with a small smile and then she picked up Noah and gave him a tender kiss on the cheek.

Noah: "You shouldn't cry otherwise they will cry too" he said putting his hand on Aunt Andy's belly and involuntarily revealed to everyone that Andy was pregnant.

Jack: "Are you pregnant?" he asked in shock and Andy nodded.

Noah: "Oh no, I screwed up. Sorry, sorry, sorry" he said to aunt Andy. "Please don't be mad at me, I'm a small baby"

Andy: "Don't worry, I'm not mad at you"

Robert: "Can you do something to make aunt Andy feel better?" Noah nodded. "Go to Uncle Luke who has a small stash of Aunt Andy's candy"

Noah: "I'm going to get some sweets" he said and then kissed aunt Andy on the cheek and then went to Luke.

Vic: "Okay, okay. Did you get married and are you pregnant?"

Andy: "Yes" she replied shaking Robert's hand.

Vic: "How long? And why didn't you tell us?" Andy was about to answer, but Jack intervened.

Jack: "It's so obvious they only got married because she got pregnant. You always remind me to use precautions, but you never told them and here is the result. He got her pregnant and she was forced to marry him even though she didn't want to"

Andy: "That's not how things went" she answered trying to hold back the tears without succeeding. "We got married because we love each other and moreover, before getting married we moved house and I found out I was pregnant two months after we got married" she replied to Jack a little angry. "Everyone tells you to take precautions just because you have sex with the first girl you get. And I didn't get pregnant by accident, we both wanted to have a baby and not only are we going to have one baby, it's going to be two"

Jack: "You becoming a mother?" she said laughing. "Are you joking?" she continued laughing. "You will surely be a bad mother, you have always hated children. Did she force you on him?" Andy kept crying and Robert held her close.

Robert: "That's enough" he said raising his voice. "Don't you ever talk to her like that again or things won't end well for you" he said menacingly. "Andy is going to be an amazing mother and I didn't force her to do anything. We love each other, we are happy together and we both can't wait for these two babies to be born. And yes, you're right, maybe she didn't like children once, but things change"

Andy was feeling really sad because he thought everyone was happy for them, but Jack screwed it up. Even if that wasn't how Andy and Robert would have wanted to say about their wedding and the arrival of twins, it didn't matter now, they were happy and hoped their friends were happy for them too. Everyone was happy, but they couldn't say anything because Jack started saying those things. As Jack continued to say things, Noah and Luke joined them and when Noah saw aunt Andy crying he asked who made aunt Andy cry.

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