Chapter 78

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Robert was talking calmly with William and Luke when he suddenly saw something that left him speechless. In a somewhat secluded part of the garden there were Elena, Eleonor and Daniel who seemed rather intimate. Daniel had his hands resting on the lower part of both Eleonor's and Elena's backs and the two women were smiling and making sweet eyes at Daniel. What happened next left Robert in disbelief. Elena and Eleonor took turns kissing Daniel rather passionately and all three seemed happy with what was happening. After Andy made sure Mila and Marcus were sleeping peacefully, she returned to the garden and was immediately stopped by Robert.

Andy: "What's going on? You seem upset to me"

Robert: "You'll be shocked too as soon as I show you what I'm seeing" he said pointing to Eleonor, Elena and Daniel.

Andy: "Are they our mothers and the Chief?" Robert nodded and only then did William and Luke also see what was happening.

William: "Wow, I didn't expect this"

Robert: "Me neither" he replied still quite shocked while Luke let out a small laugh. "Hey, it's nothing to laugh about. My mother and Elena are perhaps having an affair with the Chief"

Luke: "Well, at least they're having fun"

William: "It was quite shocking to see them, but hey, all three of them seem happy"

Robert: "But do they have threesomes, are they together? Are they just having fun?"

Andy: "Ok, it's strange to see them together like that, but I guess we'll have to get used to it"

Robert: "And doesn't it bother you that the three of them might be having an affair?"

Andy: "No. All three of them are adults and can do whatever they want"

Robert: "Do you realize that they have a certain age to do certain things?" Andy, William and Luke laughed.

Andy: "Honey.." she said sitting on her husband's lap. "pastelito.." she said caressing his cheek. "Our mothers aren't as old as you think" she said, shaking her head. "Now try not to think about what you saw, let the three of them have fun together and when they're ready, I'm sure they'll tell us what's happening"

Robert: "It's not easy to forget what I saw"

Andy: "I'm sure you can" she said, smiling. "Maybe later, when we're alone, I'll find a way to not make you think about certain things" she said, whispering in her husband's ear and he smiled.

Robert: "You two.." she said pointing to William and Luke. "don't tell anyone" both William and Luke nodded.

Robert then continued to talk to Luke and William while Andy went along with Emily, Vic and Maya to play together with Noah, Chloe and Thomas. The rest of the day passed in a very funny way as Elena and Eleonor continued to pretend that they didn't know Daniel that well. When everyone returned to their homes, Andy and Robert had dinner and after putting their children to bed, they went to their room to spend some pleasant time together. Andy had promised her husband that she would find a way not to make him think about what he had seen and so, once they closed the door to their bedroom, Andy began to undress in a very sensual way. After she had taken off some clothes and was left wearing only her underwear, she made her husband undress, told him to sit on the edge of the bed and then she approached him so that Robert could take off both her bra and her thong. Robert very quickly removed Andy's bra and then, as he slowly slid the thong down her wife's legs, he sucked and nibbled her nipples with his mouth. There were already many moans of pleasure coming out of Andy's mouth and those moans of pleasure increased when she sat on top of her husband and slid Robert's erection inside her. Robert's hands began to run down his wife's bare back as she had crossed her arms around her husband's neck. Andy then started to move slowly on top of his husband and louder and louder moans of pleasure came out of both of their mouths. As she continued to move on top of Robert, he fell back onto the bed and Andy continued to ride him. Robert had moved his hands to his wife's breasts while she placed her hands on her husband's chest so she could move faster. Both were starting to reach the maximum peak of pleasure, their moans of pleasure increased as well as Andy's movements increased. Both Robert and Andy then indulged in their own pleasure and then she lay on top of her husband.

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