Chapter 2

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The next morning, Andy received a message from Robert where he had written the time he would come to pick her up. After reading the message, Andy looked at her watch and she realized that she had little time to get ready and have breakfast. Very quickly she got out of bed and got ready. It was just a few minutes before Robert arrived and she hadn't had breakfast yet. Since she only had a few minutes, she took the box of cereal, she took a handful and ate them. As she was about to get another handful of cereal, Andy received another message from Robert warning her that he had arrived and was waiting for her in the car. Andy after reading the message rolled her eyes, took her things and left the house. Once she got in the car then she snorted.

Andy: "Did you have to be so punctual? You know, I was having breakfast"

Robert: "You should have got up earlier and anyway.. good morning"

Andy: "Good morning" she replied annoyed. "I get up when I want and now I'm still hungry, I haven't even had time to have a coffee"

Robert: "For breakfast, you mean you were eating cereal straight out of the box?"

Andy: "Of course" she replied smiling.

Robert: "That's not breakfast and.. I figured you'd have breakfast like that, so.." he took a bag and passed it to Andy. "in here there is breakfast for you and also a coffee"

Andy: "Oh, wow, my bodyguard is very thoughtful" she laughed and Robert rolled his eyes. "Thank you"

Robert: "Will you at least manage to stay out of trouble this day?" he asked while he was driving.

Andy: "I'll try" she replied as she was having breakfast.

Robert: "Try it, because I can't always be there to save you"

Andy: "Are you sure?"

Robert: "Absolutely sure. Really Herrera, try not to get hurt, I wouldn't want to lose one of the best members of the team just because you did something stupid"

Andy: "Wow, in a week you managed to give me two compliments, I'm shocked"

Robert: "I'm serious. I don't know how you manage to find yourself in dangerous situations every time"

Andy: "It's not entirely my fault, many times I find myself in those situations to save other people" then from her mouth came a very small moan of pleasure. "Oh my god, I guess I haven't eaten anything sweeter than this" she said as she finished the pastry she was eating.

Robert: "I was sure you might like it"

Andy: "Really?"

Robert: "Yes. I noticed what your tastes are and then that is my favorite"

Andy: "And I thought you hated me to death"

Robert: "Don't worry, I still hate you even though I brought you breakfast"

Andy: "Since you said this is your favorite, keep the last piece" she said, handing him the last pastry.

Robert: "I can't now, I'm driving"

Andy: "Right. Well.. then open your mouth" she said as she brought the pastry to Robert's mouth.

Robert: "But what.. what are you doing?" he asked and then she found the pastry in his mouth while Andy laughed. "Couldn't you have waited?"

Andy: "No, that was a lot more fun" she said and then licked her fingers as some sugar was stuck on her fingers.

During the rest of the trip, Andy and Robert didn't even exchange a word and enjoyed the silence that was there. When they arrived at the place where recruiting day would take place, everyone saw them coming together and were surprised because they were together and not arguing. The two of them hadn't noticed that everyone in 19 was staring at them and only realized it when they got to the main stand.

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