Chapter 3

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Robert did not reply, he spun Andy around, gently caressed her face and then kissed her. Andy was surprised at first, but then she crossed her arms around Robert's neck and kissed him back, leaving everyone in disbelief at that scene. When they broke away from their kiss, they looked into each other's eyes and smiled.

Maddox: "I still don't believe this story. Why does everyone who knows you seem surprised?"

Vic: "Because it's something they wanted to keep secret and none of us thought they were announcing their wedding that way" she said while saving Andy and Robert.

Maddox: "But from how they behave they don't look like a couple"

Andy: "This is because we know how to keep our private life and work separate" she replied acidly. "Now are you going to stop bothering me?"

Maddox: "Don't think I believe this antic and where are your rings? Married people wear rings"

Robert: "I don't care if you believe it or not, but stop bothering my wife" he said in an angry tone as he continued to hug Andy. "And you don't even have to care if we have the rings or not, it's none of your business"

Luke: "Ok, ok, that's enough, everybody go back to what you were doing. There are still a lot of things to fix before we leave" everyone has drifted apart except Andy and Robert. "You two have got yourself in a really big trouble, the Boss has heard you.."

Andy: "Really? That's not good at all" then she turned to Robert. "Did you have to say we're married? We are not credible, we hate each other"

Robert: "I'm sorry, but it was the first thing that came to mind"

Luke: "Keep on pretending, the Chief is approaching"

Chief: "I didn't know you two were married, it was a surprise to find out just now"

Andy: "I didn't know I was married either" she muttered, but no one had heard her except Robert.

Robert: "Only our friends knew, but when we are at work we try to keep our private life separate so that it does not interfere with work"

Chief: "From what I have seen you succeed well, but one of the next days I will wait for you in my office"

Robert: "Ok"

Chief: "Great job today" he said and then walked away.

Luke: "Hey lovebirds" he said attracting the attention of Andy and Robert who gave him a bad look. "Could you go and take these things to the station?"

Andy: "No problem, at least I'll check if my car is back to working"

Robert: "What if I don't agree?"

Andy: "It's too late now" she replied with a wink and Robert rolled his eyes.

Luke: "Well.. thanks to both of you" he said smiling as he handed some boxes to Robert. "You can go, see you tomorrow morning, lovebirds"

They both shook their heads and then left. As they were walking towards the car, Maddox started following them. Robert noticed that someone was following them and told Andy to behave lovingly. As soon as we got to the car, Robert placed the boxes on the rear seats and then, before sitting in the driver's seat, gave Andy a quick kiss. Both were hoping that Maddox would stop following them, but it didn't. He followed them to the station trying not to be seen, but obviously he couldn't. When they arrived at the station, Robert took the boxes, Andy opened the door for them and they went to Robert's office.

Robert: "Do you think he will continue to follow us?"

Andy: "I hope not, but I think she will" he replied with a snort.

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