Chapter 42

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It had been a long night, the storm never seemed to end, and despite Andy trying to distract himself, she kept thinking about both Robert and her mother. As soon as the situation improved, Luke warned Andy that she immediately went home. As she drove she tried to call Robert again, but again she got no response from him. Since she didn't receive any answer either from Robert or from her mother, Andy was even more worried and she wanted to get home as fast as possible. When she entered the house she went straight to the bedroom where Robert was sleeping peacefully and Lilli was next to him. Andy walked over to the bed and punched Robert's arm and he woke up.

Robert: "Hey" he said opening his eyes. "Was the punch necessary?"

Andy: "Yeah. You made me worry. I've been trying to call you and my mom for hours but no one's answering" she replied as Robert took Andy's hand.

Robert: "I'm sorry, but it was neither my intention nor your mother's intention to worry you. The telephones didn't work and Lilli ate the cord of the house telephone. Since the power had also gone out, the only thing to do was sleep and.."he looked at the clock. "and it's still very early" he said with a yawn.

Andy: "I thought something had happened to you" she said sitting on the bed next to Robert. "I wanted to go home earlier, but it was impossible to get out and... I couldn't even sleep"

Robert: "Really, I'm sorry. How soon do you have to go back to the station?"

Andy: "In a few hours"

Roberts: "Good. Now lie down here next to me and get some sleep" Andy nodded.

Andy: "Lilli why is she in bed with you? If I remember correctly you said Lilli would never sleep in our bed" she said as she put Lilli in her bed and then she undressed.

Robert: "I told her, but she was scared of the storm and so I took her to bed with me" he replied smiling. "It won't happen again"

Andy: "You know that's not true" she replied lying down next to Robert.

Robert: "Shhh.." he said making Andy's head rest on his chest. "Now go to sleep" he said hugging her. "I love you"

Andy: "I love you too" she replied giving him a kiss and then she fell asleep.

Robert continued to hold Andy tightly in his arms and ran his hands up and down Andy's body and finally fell asleep too. Elena didn't know that Andy was already home so when she woke up she went to knock on Robert's bedroom door to see if he was awake. When Robert told her to come in, she was shocked to see that Andy was home.

Elena: "Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb. When did she come home?" she asked in a low voice.

Robert: "A few hours ago"

Elena: "Okay. I came to see if you wanted to have breakfast, but you better stay here with her" Robert nodded. "I'll take Lilli, ok?"

Robert: "Okay"

Elena took Lilli and then went downstairs to have breakfast. Once Elena left the room, Robert reached under Andy's shirt so he could stroke her back. As Robert slowly ran his hand down Andy's back, she started to move and snuggled closer and closer to Robert and he smiled.

Robert: "Honey.." he said giving her a tender kiss on the forehead. "My love.." he continued to say giving her a kiss on the tip of the nose. "kitty.." he said giving her a kiss on her lips. "I never want to wake you up, but you'll have to be at the station soon"

Andy: "Mmmhhh.. do I have to wake up? I feel so good here with you" she replied keeping her eyes closed as Robert let out a small laugh.

Robert: "I wish I could hold you close to me all day, but it's not possible" he replied stroking her hair.

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